Todor Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Todor Erslette

Physical Description

Special abilities

While not a talented mage, he does excel in spatial magic, being able to teleport himself amd others with ease.

Specialized Equipment

He carries a pair of arquebuses that he'll use liberally, though prefers to wield just one of them at a time, but can dual-wield them when the situation calls for it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Todor was raised to be the Clement family Adjudicator. He was orginally even briefly used as a child solider in Mercy's army to get him used to wartime practices, though after Mercy lost the war he was instead trained to be a personal bodyguard for the family. He excelled in this task and kept the Clement family safe despite the unrest facing the rest of the country. Until recently, he was flawless in his duties, but the Clement's stronghold was attacked by a mercenary band, and their airship was stolen. He has a low regard for most of the mercenaries involed in the incident, believing the rogue was nothing more than an extremely rude brute, the Teifling bard to be an incident prone walking disaster, and the Half-Dragon mage to be an unfathomably durable idiot. Despite his poor thoughts for them all, he respects that they forced him into giving up the airship and gives credit to them for that, especially the Half-Dragon, who he very earnestly attempted to kill several times with no success.

Intellectual Characteristics

Todor has a rather average intellect, and doesn't make strides to create elaborate traps or lofty plans, prefer to keep most things straightforward and simple.   Though he has a rather keen battle instinct, nessccaery for his position.

Morality & Philosophy

He doesn't have a high moral standing and is willing to do just about anything to make sure he does what he has to. Despite not being very moral at all, he does have a sense of honor and can learn to respect people who oppose him.

Personality Characteristics


Above all else, he strives to keep the Clement family safe, as he was trained to do


He spends alot of time keeping his hair looking as best as he can get it, and doesn't take too kindly to people insulting it



Despite being raised and trained around nobles, he has a rather casual way of speaking and doesnt take most things to seriously
Current Status
Protecting his Noble family
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
5325 AM 38 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You wouldn't mind being paid to leave, would'ya?"
Worships Hecate


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