O'olesh Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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O'olesh (O-O-lesh)

God of Undeath O'olesh

Divine Domains

Has the intermediate portfolios of Undeath and Souls


Soul Decanter

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Red Spider Lilies are commonly left at altars of O'olesh

Tenets of Faith

  • Most deserve a second chance, and if you can help it, you shouldnt rob them of their chance
  • Give respect to those that have passed, and ensure there journey beyond is safe

Physical Description

Special abilities

Adept at necromancy, given his portfolio, he has the unique ability to create undead without destroying the soul of the body in the process, creating 'Ethical' undead

Mental characteristics

Personal history

O'olesh is a God from the time of Estora, originally a Demi-God born of Mistra. He was monitored closely by Mistra and the Royalty of Estora, ensuring that he did not turn out like his siblings of the past. He ascended during the rise of the Shattered God and was shortly hunted down by him so that he could steal O'olesh's portfolios for himself, though he never succeeded in even finding O'olesh. After the Shattered God was defeated, O'olesh was content with watching over dead in great tombs and guiding them to the afterlife if they found themselves lost

Gender Identity


Morality & Philosophy

O'olesh is a gentle person and does his best to help those that seek him out and lending his strength to those that believe their actions are just and pure

Symbol of O'olesh 

Divine Classification
Intermediate God
Glowing Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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