Muthir Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Muthir Gilft

Physical Description

Physical quirks

It is unknown how he got so big, as even for his race he is unusually large

Apparel & Accessories

He constantly keep a plethora of weapons with him so that he and those he cares about will always have something to defend themselves with

Specialized Equipment

his armor is a leftover from his artificer training days, sporting two extra arms that he uses to make smithing even easier, though can also use them in combat, though they are not very good at this task

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Muthir grew up in Naften, studying under his father to become a blacksmith just as he did, At the closing of the Mercy-Eastland war he was helping make weapons with his father for mercenaries and adventurers, his fathered had grown weary of constant weapon smithing and the two of them moved to a small town in the east side of Corrvis. Muthir left to go study in Chumane, interested in becoming an Artificer. Though when he returned home for a visit he had found the town ruined from an incident. Afterwards he abandoned becoming an artificer and took up his fathers trade in smithing and moved back to Naften, where he met his wife and had his son. They then moved near No Man's Land so that Muthir could collect and use scrap metal in massive quantities, but his family was captured by Mercy Loyalist, so he hired a band of mercenaries  to rescue them, in exchange for him working for them, and he fulfilled that promise when his family was saved


Learned blacksmithing under his father and has very limited artificer knowledge from his time in Chumane

Mental Trauma

After the his father was killed he grew to distrust and despise adventurers, believing the whole organization needed to be disbanded and restarted

Morality & Philosophy

cynical and apathetic towards most things, he doesn't have a qualm with nearly any action, and only cares for the safety of his own family
Current Location
Year of Birth
5323 AM 40 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
worships Sutur
Aligned Organization


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