Kennen Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Guardian Kennen Strova

Kennen had come back seemingly from the dead with a mission to ruin the Gilven, both in reputation and in life. His plans began with the Theft of Moongleam, which was later recovered by Kel-dai and used to defeat him. Er-lan had theorized however that this was not infact Kennen, but something impersonating him and that his soul was still trapped elsewhere

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kennen wielded a dagger containing a copy of the Demon Gabriel, giving him access to powerful magic and the ability to summon other demons at will

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kennen was a good friend of Ar-lyn and spent a lot of time adventuring beside him. They had saved a lot people fighting beside each other aswell as finding/making artfacts with there shared resources, including Kennen using his connections to help Ar-lyn complete a vault that would house his most precious and dangerous artifacts. Kennen met his end when he sacrificed himself to save Ar-lyn however, believing that world would need Ar-lyn in it.
4370 AM 4812 AM 442 years old
Circumstances of Death
He was Killed by a lich to give Ar-lyn a chance to escape a trap set by the lich

He was killed again by Kel-dai to prevent him from destroying Chargrove
Red (Originally Blue)
White (Originally Black)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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