Hecate Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Goddess of Battle Hecate (a.k.a. Shard of the Shattered)

Divine Domains

Has the Intermediate portfolios of Victory and Fighting

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To destroy everything related to the Shattered God and ensure that there is no battle she could ever lose

Physical Description

Special abilities

After her time being used as an experiment by the shattered god, she has become a master of soul manipulation, though unlike most practitioners of soul magic, instead of alter others soul, she weaponizes her own

Specialized Equipment

She doesn't seem to have any personal possessions, not even a weapon that she chooses to wield, simply using whatever she finds in her journeys until she eventually breaks it

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Its unknown what her life was like before becoming a god. She is considered a 'New God' after only having ascended in the last millennia. Hecate is a god created by the Shattered God for experimentation. He used her to further his own knowledge of the soul, and namely divine souls. She was left alive and not added to his own portfolios simply because it was convenient for him. When the Shattered God was defeated, she escaped Vaal and secluded herself away. She has reemerged in the past century and began answering a few prayers to those that try. Is rumored to be hunting down and eliminating Shattered God cultist personally.

Mental Trauma

None, don't ask

Morality & Philosophy

She doesn't to care for much but hunting down cultist, she doesn't give them any mercy or second thoughts. To others, she'll only speak briefly to, though she seems to care for those that choose to pray to her

Personality Characteristics


To Keep herself safe and ward off any future attacks against her

Divine Symbols and Sigils 

Divine Classification
Intermediate God
Glowing Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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