Gaelyran Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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Former Head Gaelyran Keytra Gilven

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

There are a very small amount of scales that cover the tips of his ears and the back of his hands, and while everyone else believes this to simply be a weird side effect from when he disappeared, Zestari and him know that it is the prelude to something far more sinister    He has the heart of Ter'rantiel, A Great Wyrm that he had slain in the Eastlands. He did this to prevent his resurrection by tricking the magic that would cause it into believing that Ter'rantiel was still alive. While this is worked in preventing his revival and even gave Gaelyran a plethora of abilities that only served to make him stronger, it also came with the curse that one day, Gaelyran's personality will be wiped away and be replaced by Ter'rantiel's, Allowing the Great Wyrm to rampage again   while this process would have originally taken centuries, due to the unique environment he was held captive, nearly two centuries had based for him within only two years, accelerating the process greatly. Gaelyran estimates that he has only three years left before he has to do something drastic to prevent the revival of Ter'rantiel. It's unknown if his captors knew this would be a side effect or were even aware of it

Special abilities

Gaelyran has the ablitly to 'Dragon Shift' augmenting all of his physical abilities, but most notably his speed and reaction time. Its unknown the actual extent of what its capable of as Gaelyran has mentioned to Khar-Lan in the past that while it could do more, he has never needed anymore. No one, save for Zestri, knows how specifically he had gained this ability.   He gained this ablity when he was able to defeat the Great Wrym Ter'rantiel, and prevented his resurrection with a dangerous and costly ritual that replaced his own heart with Ter'rantiel's

Specialized Equipment

Gaelyran's only constant is the Lance he carries, Rochan-Menel, which he had crafted at the Surreal Ilse after he slew The Great Wyrm, Ter'rantiel

Mental characteristics


Had formal education in standard schooling, magical studies, and combat practice. He focused most of his attention in combat practice preferring physical combat over magic, but is an adept wizard


Currently a Mythril adventurer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gaelyran slew a Great Wyrm that was rampaging in the Eastlands nearly 100 years ago, and when he returned he had gained his trademark abilities and officially earned his rank of Mythril   He was able to find his wife Zestari and his sister Naeyln and save them from a form of sleeping curse and bring them home   Gaelyran feels good that he was able to beat down the angel Eilierri, and convince him that he doesn't need try to continue to serve Ditris, and that serving himself is a better way to go about his existence

Failures & Embarrassments

While he hasn't given himself time to think about it yet, he believes that if he had paid more attention or was more perceptive, he could've found Zestari much sooner, but instead, because he wasn't even trying to look, she lost 18 years of her life

Mental Trauma

Ever since getting back from the Outlands, he has been keeping himself busy constantly, not waiting around for much of anything to happen. Most nights he even foregoes trancing in favor of actively doing something. This behavior subsided a bit when RenMei was around to keep up with his antics   He has only spoken very briefly about how he was captured in the Outlands, never going into much detail   Ever since accidentally killing Galadir in a mock fight, he has been apprehensive about causally dueling people   He has expressed to Khar-Lan how much he hates that he was missing when Er-Lan had perished, wishing he had been here to do anything about it   He bears the knowledge that he may one day not be himself anymore, and even worse, be a danger to swathes of people as a new threat to Fundekein

Intellectual Characteristics

Gaelyran is a smart man, despite how he usually carries himself, he fairly thoughtful and even when he acts spontaneously, there is usally a purpose behind his actions. He also has a strong grasp over his own emotional state, able to keep himself steady and give advice to his other family members to help them through their own tough moments
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mythril Adventurer
Born in 4907, but actual age is closer to 656 due to time dilation during his disappearance
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Hey, Watch me throw this!" 
Mainly worships Bahamut, but also Worships Mila
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
Cool Bro


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