Feranauss Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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The Blazing Duke Feranauss

Physical Description

Special abilities

While he was a formidable warrior, first and foremost, he was a mage. He is one of the few things in the sphere that had access to powerful spells by simply recreating them rather than learning them from another source, with his Singularity spell perfect the example as his version was something he had developed apart from the known spell. He was a master of evocatinal magic able to wield it to impressive levels, his most notable feat being his ability to create mini Sun's and purposefully allowing them to collapse and create a supernova

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feranuss's origins are unknown, but he quickly rose to power after emerging from the The Endless Maze with a powerful artifact. Using this artifact he killed his way onto the demon rings and began to create a place for himself in hell. He had gained significant influence, controlling an entire layer of Hell himself and having influence of many others. While his ability to fight was astounding, after earing his place on the Rings, his most powerful tool was his cunning, which he used to make deals and broker alliances so that he could maintain power through strength and political connections   His eventual undoing though did not come from Hell. He had made a deal with Siris, to save his life, in exchange for his soul belonging to Feranauss after his death. To prevent this contract from ever reaching its conclusion Gilvens and The Kendo Brothers confronted Feranauss and eventually defeated him, ending him permanently

Intellectual Characteristics

Feranauss was known for planning things far in advance, letting his plans take decades to come to true fruition   He did not normally take any chances, especially if he couldn't be sure of the outcome

Morality & Philosophy

Many would have considered him the picturesque demon, cruel and uncaring to most, but he had a set of expectations that he adhered too, always being a man of his word and never backing out of deals he has made, even if it eventually put him at a disadvantage

Personality Characteristics


He had aspirations to become the king of hell himself one day


Family Ties

His son Moar'el, born to an unknown mother While in many other facets of his life he was uncaring and only made connections that would benefit him, he was known to be a good father   His former wife Queen of the Deep Woods They were nothing more than a political marriage, and even after he died, she had seen it as nothing but a new and beneficial opportunity for her
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Former 3rd Ring 1st Seat
Year of Death
5362 AM
Circumstances of Death
Slain by adventurers
Pure Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange Scales


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