Bara Character in Fundekein | World Anvil
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The Elder Gheist Bara Here'dil

Physical Description

Special abilities

as a demon derived from a Gheist, he has an innate ablilty with nature and his magical prowess could be compared to many competent druids

Specialized Equipment

He carries the magical blade, Odenta, and uses it to inact his violent will

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bara was a forest Gheist that had attained great power through both hard work and acquiring his demon artifact. While he has moved past his original impulses as Gheist to destroy nature, and instead protect it, he takes this duty faaaar to seriously and routinely executes travelers that he sees as harming the forest or defacing nature. Druids that have been wronged tend to summon him whenever they feel there is nothing else they can do and have been pushed beyond their own limit. He does his best to impart his teachings upon his child whenever he has the chance, though his violent tendencies usually get him banished in most places he ends up

Intellectual Characteristics

he is calm and thoughtful in most cases, but is prone to sudden outburst of violent anger when the balance of nature is upset.

Morality & Philosophy

While most would try to compare him to a druid, he doesn't actually see the value in life itself and rather just the balance of nature, making it very frequent that he goes out of his way to kill people for small infractions


dont mess with trees around him

Personality Characteristics


To ensure the balance of nature above all else


Family Ties

He does his best to keep ties with his child and values any relationship he can have with them, but he actively avoids interacting with Clarice, no longer wanting to have anything to do with her
Honorary & Occupational Titles
6th Ring 22nd Seat   The Elder Gheist
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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