ASTRAGANIA Species in Ftouriniland | World Anvil


In the enchanting world of Nanio, the wild and mysterious plant called Astragania can be found. Aspiring adventurers are drawn to this useful herb, seeking its potent and versatile benefits.  


Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Angiospermae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Astraganiaceae
Genus: Astragania
Species: Nanioids


Astragania, named after its planet of origin, Nanio and the fact that it blooms only under starlight, is a rare and unique herb with ancient origins. It is believed to have flourished in the wild Cliffs of Nanio for millennia, co-existing in harmony with the planet's magical energies. The origins of Astragania are shrouded in mystery, and legends speak of its breeding and connection to ancient rituals performed by entities that firstly inhabited planet Nanio.  


Astragania is predominantly found in the remote and untamed regions of Nanio, mostly near the edges of the highest cliffs where its magical properties co-exist with the planet's energy currents. The plant tends to favor very low temperate climates, and rocky terrain providing an ideal habitat for its growth. However, Astragania's elusiveness and nocturnal blooming makes it a challenge to locate, as it often conceals itself closing the petals and leaf stems and adjusting it's color with the rest of the terrain during the day. Only Ultraviolet Light Lamps can help locate such plants, but the extraction must happen immediately as the plant tends to hide below the ground once it senses danger.  


Astragania is celebrated for its diverse magical properties, earning it the nickname "Enchanted Herb." Its leaves and petals emit a soft, luminescent pink glow once they are lit with an Ultraviolet Light Lamp and its fragrance is a delicate blend of sweet and lime notes. The herb's numerous uses have made it a favourite to explorers and alchemists across Nanio and is considered a sign of good luck if you stubble upon it without looking for it.  


Astragania's leaves, when prepared into a herbal tea or ointment, posess potent healing properties. They can mend wounds, fight high fever, or poisoning. Healing potions, when infused with Astragania, can double their effectiveness. The petals of Astragania when used to prepare the famous Astragania liquer as well as an ingredient in spellcasting rituals or adhered into magical items, amplifying the effects and extend the duration of the enchantments.
Sipping on one tablespoon of Astragania liquer per day is said to lead to a long and prosperous life. Astragania liquer is said to have no expiry date, as urns of the precious drink where discovered in the Tombs of the Ancient Ones along with Wall Murals instructing how to prepare and ferment the liquer.
Overdosing on Astragania may lead to psychosis or Eternal Sleep- a deep state of coma.  


Astragania, the Enchanted Herb of Nanio, holds a special place in the hearts of those who have experienced its magical properties. Its versatile use make it a highly sought after asset for adventurers, alchemists, and spellcasters. As they roam into the untamed wilds of Nanio in search of Astragania, they are reminded of the wonders and mysteries that this distant planet has to offer.


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Aug 4, 2023 20:25 by Deleyna Marr

This world sounds like it is well worth exploring. I like that you didn't just include the properties, but also the thought that it is considered lucky if you find it without looking for it. Nice touch.
