Artificer in Frozen North | World Anvil
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A catch-all term for anyone who works primarily in the molding, transfiguration, enchanting, and manufacture of magical items. Often powerful wizards, their job requires them to not only understand magic, but also be able to weave permanent spells to turn mundane objects into wondrous ones. A common practice among artificers working with harvested materials is to transfigure them into gems and other objects more conducive to humanoid wear.
  As part of their job, an artificer would have knowledge of the uses of magical creature parts, spellwork, the use and preparation of magical reagents (crushed gems, incense, etc), magical identification, magical history, and basic metal and woodworking. Of course, not all artificers have the same level of skill. Some may spend their entire lives mass manufacturing the same magical trinkets day in and day out, while others have ventured to far planes and brought back secrets from the courts of djinni princes.
  Any character that is proficient in the Arcana skill and has access to at least one spell slot may be considered an artificer for crafting purposes.


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