Soul Speaker Species in Frontier | World Anvil

Soul Speaker

Soul Speakers are unnatural beings, created by the The Old Pantheon God, Danu'ul, The first Soul Speaker was the Holy Child Mishka, who was kidnapped and corrupted by Danu'ul.   Soul Speakers are infamous, and feared for their ability to twist people who engage them in conversation into slaves and living weapons to serve their god, Danu'ul.

Basic Information


Soul Speakers are physically, mostly identical to the species of origin. Key differences are the unnatural hollow spaces where the eyes once were, like the eyes have been pulled a great distance into the skull, leaving an disturbingly dark pit.

Genetics and Reproduction

Soul Speakers are not naturally born, and are created via the God Danu'ul, or another Soul Speaker twisting the soul of a target in some unknown manner, into whatever Soul Speakers truly are.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Soul Speaker has never been seen to age or die, but whether they can age is up for debate, as no Soul Speaker has ever been seen twice.


Soul Speakers, when not around living beings, have been observed acting "Doll-Like" by which they have been observed doing not much of anything. They walk where their God commands them, and otherwise stand rigidly, passively.   When, however, there are living beings around, Soul Speakers become animated, disarming, and all-together, frighteningly charismatic. They do their best to create a rapport with their target, doing everything in their power to prompt a response to something that they are saying. That is their key manner of hunting, they need a response. Once they have a response, they do their utmost to maintain the discourse.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Soul Speakers have the same physical senses as the species of origin except for sight. Soul Speakers are all, without exception, blind. This does not hinder them however as they all gain an uncanny ability to make out their surroundings, and in particular determine where living beings are. It is widely accepted that they can sense souls in some manner.

Civilization and Culture


The first Soul Speaker was Mishka, the holy child, who Danu'ul kidnapped from Azantium. It is theorized that this was a delayed act of revenge prompted by the Godsfall. Danu'ul corrupted Mishka into the first Soul Speaker, and set them loose on farming populations of the Mortal Plains, where Mishka corrupted hundreds of civilians, and led to the death of many more, before they were presumably killed by Margaret Sevastopol of the Xern Troop, as they were never seen again.


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