Vauxuar, also known as Sea Wolf, is a predator that lives in the Sea of Kalaleika. They are one of the top hunters of the food chain, and their howls can travel more than 50 feet that could potentially create tsunamis. Vauxuar has three types; Surface Hunters, Bottom Feeders, and Abyss Devourer.
Surface Hunters hunts in packs. They are known to be Shredders due to their aggressiveness in devouring their prey which leaves only bones. They circle their prey and picks them off little by little, regardless of the size. Surface Hunters have a dark blue top that faces the surface with a white underbelly. Their caudal fin is crescent-shaped to increase swimming speed. Surface Hunters are commonly reported to attack swimmers and fishermen. However, they are tame-able and they are used to pull on water sleds.
Bottom Feeders are scavengers and stay on the seabed. Their scales are deeper shade maroon to blend in with the corals before striking their unsuspecting prey. They also pick off remains of dead creatures in the seabed and eats bones that are left by the Surface Hunters. They live in solitary and will avoid conflict at all cost.
Abyss Devourer is the rarest and dangerous Vauxuar. It was once a normal Sea Wolf but born with a terrible hunger, it constantly devours any creatures, including their own brothers and sisters before birth and later their own kin when it is not satisfied. The nonstop hunger leads to it grow in size and it resides in the deepest gorge in the ocean. It is also known as the Leviathan of Frantumare and can bring forth disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes.
Surface Hunters hunts in packs. They are known to be Shredders due to their aggressiveness in devouring their prey which leaves only bones. They circle their prey and picks them off little by little, regardless of the size. Surface Hunters have a dark blue top that faces the surface with a white underbelly. Their caudal fin is crescent-shaped to increase swimming speed. Surface Hunters are commonly reported to attack swimmers and fishermen. However, they are tame-able and they are used to pull on water sleds.
Bottom Feeders are scavengers and stay on the seabed. Their scales are deeper shade maroon to blend in with the corals before striking their unsuspecting prey. They also pick off remains of dead creatures in the seabed and eats bones that are left by the Surface Hunters. They live in solitary and will avoid conflict at all cost.
Abyss Devourer is the rarest and dangerous Vauxuar. It was once a normal Sea Wolf but born with a terrible hunger, it constantly devours any creatures, including their own brothers and sisters before birth and later their own kin when it is not satisfied. The nonstop hunger leads to it grow in size and it resides in the deepest gorge in the ocean. It is also known as the Leviathan of Frantumare and can bring forth disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes.
Basic Information
In the water, Vauxuar has the appearance of a wolf but with scales. the dorsal fin on the back, caudal fin, webbed feet, and white eyes. Bottom Feeders and Abyss Devourer possesses gills on their cheeks.
On land, a Vauxuar's appearance changes to be similar to a normal wolf. Their scales will grow fur to protect them from the sun and their eyes will close due to light sensitivity. Their fins will fold and the caudal fin will become normal wolf tail.
Genetics and Reproduction
Vauxuar reaches sexual maturity at the age of 10. When the female Alpha of a Vauxuar pack is ready to reproduce, the Alpha will choose one of the younger Beta males in the pack to be its mate for life. The pups produced normally no more than five pups in one reproductive period.
Courtship has been observed in a pack of Surface Hunters. Beta and Omega males will attempt to court the Alpha female by presenting her with beautiful corals, shells, or big fishes. The female will tug on a male's ear as a sign of acceptance.
Growth Rate & Stages
Pups are given birth on land in nearby sea dens to avoid any elimination by other males. Vauxuar pup has scales and no ears and their tail has no fin. When they reach 5 months old, they grew their land coats and finally adapted to land life. The pups are then introduced to the rest of the pack and allowed to be accustomed to the family.
Bottom Feeders, however, after mating, the female will isolate herself in a cave in the sea bed and raised her pups on her own. Once reaching 7 months old, the pups are ready to live on their own.
Ecology and Habitats
Sea of Kalaleika has the optimal temperature for Vauxuar. An abundance of ocean life and coral reef allows them to prowl about and dominate the sea. Despite their massive population, Vauxuar are known to protect the reef from intruders and poachers.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Vauxuars are blind predators, hence they depend on their sense of smell and hearing. In water, they use Echolocation to locate each other and seeking prey. They also depend on their hearing as sound travels faster in water. However, on land, they depend on their sense of smell completely.
Scientific Name
Canis Acanthodii
Conservation Status
Surface Hunters are fairly common species of Vauxuar as they hunt in packs. Although they are not endangered, they are commercially bred for water sledding and guard wolves for fishermen that rear fish.
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