Neko Species in Fortuun | World Anvil


Zahir had heard of the legends of the towering college of Aivyael, or the gold lined walls of Nitsoba, or how there are places that are so cold they’ll freeze your claws off in a matter of hours if you're not careful about it. But seeing it here, seeing it in person, right in front of him, experiencing these things for himself, there is truly nothing like being here and living in the moment in these places. So many wonderful kinds of people, so many wonderful types of places, what would he ever discover next?
  Neko are the wandering cat-like people of Fortuun, with their feline ears and tail, it seems the only thing that connects many of them are how similar they look. They never seem to stay in the same place for too long and are out the door at the drop of a hat. Many of them exist within the inner reaches of the Western Continent. While they do have a few cities and settlements there, they're more like a large-scale base of operations for many of them.

Free Spirits

When Cianxeash, the Wind God, made the neko he wanted them to be as free as the wind, not able to be pinned down and moving through everything. Neko default to chaotic alignments very easily, and their curious demeanor makes them want to travel all over.

Returning Home

When neko return to their homeland after a long life of adventuring and curiosity, they tell tales and stories of their grand adventures throughout the world, showing off interesting trinkets and baubles and other special magic items to the rest of their kind in these cities. They inspire great adventure in the minds of the young ones, which will likely go out on their own adventures. This becomes even more exciting to them when other races entirely manage to make it to these cities, being able to see the (relatively) featureless humans, or the draconic heritage of the dragonborn, or the unusual skin colors of the genasi and angel. To these cities, money has little meaning to the neko, and everyone helps each other in these wild cities. Crops and other food is grown and shared among those who live here.

Basic Information


Neko are built similarly to elves, with slender physic. The biggest outlier of the species is the cat ears and tail.

Growth Rate & Stages

Neko grow up somewhat faster than humans, reaching full maturity by around the age of 16. Beyond that, its similar to humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Many neko settlements exist in large ravines and cliff sides, as they can easily climb around with their claws.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Neko eat a lot of meat, and especially like fish and milk.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Neko don't have much in the way of a social structure. They try to help each other out but they are all each independent and free. The longest time they may stick to certain others is when they want to have kids, which they stick together for two years before many fathers begin to leave. The entire village or city usually helps out with kids however.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

It's not uncommon for nobles or other powerful wealthy people to want neko as servants and maids of the house. While many free spirited neko despise this, neko raised this way from a young age can often tolerate it.

Facial characteristics

Neko have the same type of eyes that cats do, with the long slender slits during bright times and more dilated and open circles when in the dark.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Neko are capable of seeing in the dark, their eyes dilating to let in as much light as possible.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Neko like to pick and choose names at random, whatever they think is cool at the time. Some have one name their entire lives, and others change on a weekly basis. They'll take names from different cultures, languages, places, and sometimes just choose a descriptive name. For those who tend to stick with a certain group of people, they may adopt a permanent nickname the party ends up calling them.

Relationship Ideals

To the neko, relationships and being tied down are strange and restricting. They will get together to make babies, but the father is often no longer in the picture or as involved by around the age of two.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Neko are incredibly curious about other races, as many don't ever show up in their remote villages far from any civilization. They're rarely ever hostile or offensive with this, just very, very curious. Many species like the odd nature and bombastic attitude of many neko.
80 years
Average Height
5 to 7 ft
Average Weight
100 to 130 lbs.
Average Physique
Neko are slender and skinny, very dexterous. They are also incredibly flexible.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Neko tend to have more hair colors than humans. Some of them mimic other cats, domestic, lions, tigers, jaguars, and other larger cats, but some have wildly different hair colors.


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