Krenn, The Cat of Midnight Organization in Fortur | World Anvil

Krenn, The Cat of Midnight

"That we could stroll through the moonlight, and only happen upon gold is certainly plausible. If violence should have been done to a man under the same moonlight, who happened to lose his purse, well...that would certainly be bad luck." -Thieves Cant taken From an Alleyway in Zarlo   Krenn is a most mischievous cat, once a Patron for Warlocks of Trickery and Greed, Krenn became the Diety of Thieves the world over.   Krenn might be watching you anytime you see a Black Cat, Krenn's eyes see every coin purse dropped and ever document forged. The Patron Deity of Theft, Forgery, and corruption.   Krenn appears as a black cat with one eye of silver and another ocean blue, they will generally wander the mortal realms posing as a normal black cat and tricking the mortals into attributing their power elsewhere.

Divine Origins

Some say Curiosity Kills The Cat, but what if the Cat Finds its' query before it dies? What if That Cat was curious about how to steal a legendary Orb, one that Glowed Red and Promised the Power to become unto a God?   Many Able-bodied Adventurers Quested for The Orb of Might. Some had great strength, others great agility, some had amazing magical powers...but Krenn had what they lacked: Luck, and lots of it.    Krenn is the most curious of Deities, as Their followers have more say in many ways than themselves in how the Religion is shaped. But the paws of Krenn will grasp the purses and claw the eyes of those who seek to expose the sneaks. The Thieves guilds of the world find riches beyond reason by following Krenn.

Tenets of Faith

Take What You Want; The World is Full of Shiny things that are yours for the taking   The World Is Dark, So Brighten Your Day; Indulgences and misdeeds make a sad world more fun   When The Clock Strikes Midnight, We Are All The Same; Fancy nobles deserve to be tricked and deceived, they aren't better than any other person   There Is Honor Among Thieves; Brothers and Sisters in Theft aren't useful targets, stealing together is too much fun to spoil


"Chantries" of Krenn might more readily be Called Thieves Guilds, or Cartels. They are Secret Meetings of Thieves from all Stripes only adhereing to the Tenets Above.