Dominion- Ravencrest Settlement in forgotten world | World Anvil
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Dominion- Ravencrest

City History, Culture, Trade and Description   Towards the end of the Lost Age, a coalition of devoted paladins and clerics following the teachings of Aureon, The Silver Flame and the Raven Queen founded this city as a safe haven against the numerous war lords ravaging the continent. The clerics of Aureon created laws and order to the city, the paladins of the Silver Flame provided protection, and the Ravenites sought out evil and waged war to bring The Whispered Ones lieutenants to justice and eventually bring peace to the rest of the continent.   The cities culture still reflects its religious origins. It is seen as the safest city in the Dominion, with several walls and numerous defenses left over from more desperate times. The cities people are all religiously devout, and mistrusting of those who do not conform to there beliefs, or doubt the Council of Orders.   Important Characters   High Law Maker Mara- an older women, shoulder length grey hair and steely blue eyes. She looks eternally disapproving, and speaks in a soft but unwavering voice.   High Commandant Gorlan- an older human man, silvery grey hair with a fine trimmed beard, handsome with dark eyes and a grim expression, dressed in very fine gold and silver armor. He is very stern man who tends to take action and reaction rather than wait or think. However he is a caring and good person despite his tough exterior, and cares deeply about his wife and two sons. Lawful Good.   High Ravenite Ordinan- a surprisingly young man for his position, in his early 30's. He has golden hair, and an impressive handlebar mustache. He is the only other Chosen known in the world, and as a result traveled through the ranks very quickly. He is seemingly unmolested by the power grabbing ideals of other Ravenites, but also seems to be unaware of it, trusting his underlings to do good works for good reasons.   Ravenite Master Riynor- a middle aged half elf man, he has black hair just long enough to cover his ears, brown eyes and a clean shaven face. His mother was an elf, who abandoned him, father gave him to the Ravenites as a baby, and he is ashamed of his elvin heritage. He runs the Talons Barracks where apprentice Ravenites are trained. He is a charmer, but can come across as creepy or opportunistic with his actions.   Book Keeper Clifton- a middle aged man, blond hair and brown eyes. He's a bit mousy and meek, socially awkward but very good with numbers and his job.   Lore Master Alistair- an older human man, with fiery red hair that seems to defy his age, and eyes of different color, one silver and the other a goldish amber. He is dressed rather eccentrically, often is very brilliant shades of red, green or blue, and has a very out of place matching triangular wizard hat with stars on it. He is in charge of the Queens library, and mentor to the occasional especially gifted Ravenite apprentice.   Gentleman's Gang Leader- Hisni Traser Gaxif Lanfan, or Traser, is a 212 year old male rock gnome with a bald head and green eyes. He has a square, typical face with a long moustache and a light limp. H used to smuggle goods out of the Tri Peaks kingdom, until he took out another gang leader plotting against the gentleman, and was rewarded with this job as a result.   Local Quests   Factions   Council of Orders   Order of Aureon   Order of The Silver Flame   Order of the Raven Queen   Gentlmans Gang   Notable Buildings And Districts   The Outer City- The largest part of the city, it encompasses the entire outer ring. This is where the majority of the inhabitants live and work. It is also where the merchant district is, where the majority of shops and business is conducted.   The Old City- The original city, it is now where the nobility and wealthy members of the city live. There are a few shops and higher end businesses, but it is mostly residential.   Heavens Gate- the center of the city, a series of castle towers defending a large courtyard and the center keep. In addition to Heavens Gate Keep where the Council of Orders convenes, this courtyard also houses the high leadership as well as the Queens Library. the Keep also protects the Ravens Catacombs, where some of the most evil necromancers and their artifacts have been sealed away and protected.   Shops   Blacksmith- an open air workshop near the outer walls, run by a burley half orc named Zod. Zod has dark green skin, and shoulder length braided black hair. he was born on the pirate galley Redemption, but was spirited away by his human mother, who made a life here.   Fletcher and armorer- a small business located in the merchant district with a moded workshop out the back. Run by Victoria deGrey is a 27 year old human armorer. She has short, straight, black hair and green eyes. She was apprenticed to a dwarvish blacksmith while serving in the army, and is now trying to use what she had learned to make a living, spedning what money she had to by this workshop.   Healing and potions- Syrreth is a half elf ranger and alchemist who lives on the outside of the city walls, but has a small business in the merchant district. She has pale white skin and long silvery hair. she is secretly a dragonborn, who has a smooth head, brown eyes and ridged white scales. She is a romantic interest of Alistair, as they traveled to the city together.   Balthasar's General Goods- a large store dedicated to whatever the average farmer would need, those also stocks supplies for traveling adventurers who go through the city. Balthasar is a handsome and tan human, with short cut black hair and a dazzling smile.   Golden Tigress- located in the Old City, this is a large and expensive hotel, usually reserved for traveling dignitaries and other persons of high status. A young half elf named Amir runs the desk and customer services.   Lucky Dragon Tavern- a modest tavern made of a blackened oak wood with large red and yellow painted signs, Run by a stout male dwarf named Vali. He was once an adventurer, but retired after defeating the White Terror (dragon in the badlands). When not serving patrons he can often be found by the fire retelling his adventuring stories, only half of which are true, and have been heard many times before.   Brass Sword- a small tavern run by a short male halfling named Monder. Mondor has dark hair and deep brown eyes, who is known for his not quite friendly smile. He is also a murderous rogue, and keeps a pair of sharp daggers at his belt. The tavern itself is dismal, has very little to offer in the way of food and drink, and is simply a cover for the local Gentleman's Gang.   Jeweler and appraisal- a moderetly sized building in the old city, run by Tifaceli Orwyse Remyra Qiqaryn , or Tracy, a 221 year old female forest gnome. She has short, straight, gray hair and blue eyes.   Tailor- a tent store set up just outside the old city walls, run by Jasmine de Bolbec, a 50 year old female Bedoin. She has long, braided, black hair shaved on the left side and blue eyes. She has soft, sunburned, chocolate skin. She moved here from Bedonia some years ago, bringing with her a talent for weaving and tapestry making that is unique to Bedonia.   Brothel   Shady dealer- a pair of lower-class gentleman's gang can be found near the Brass Sword. First is Rattle, a 23 year old male kenku with golden eyes and rough dark gray feathers, who doubles as a spy in the city. The second is Robin (who is sick of the bird jokes), a 50 year old male human with long, braided, black hair and green eyes, who speaks for Rattle when customers don't understand.   Other NPC’s   Ulric deGrey- a ravenite apprentice from a wealthy family in the city. Submits to those that have earned his respect, but dismisive to those he feels are his lessors.   Diana Cleves- a Ravenite apprentice picked up from a local orphanage. She is meek and quiet, only really speaking when spoken to.   Katelyn Writingham- a 35 year old female human farmer. She has very long, straight, black hair and brown eyes. She has soft golden skin.   Phames Beddye- a 47 year old male lightfoot halfling farmer. He has cropped, straight, brown hair and gray eyes. He has rough gray skin.   Charles Lunadream- a 41 year old male human farmer. He has short, wavy, blond hair, blue eyes, and a short beard.   Iklal Brightbeard- a 217 year old male mountain dwarf bounty hunter. He has cropped, curled, red hair shaved on the left side and brown eyes. He has a square face with a gigantic, braided neckbeard. He's in between work at the moment, drinking his last paycheck away.


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