Neverwinter Stories: Heirs of Delzoun — Session 7 Report in Forgotten Realms: AW Edition | World Anvil

Neverwinter Stories: Heirs of Delzoun — Session 7

The Forge of Fury – Chapter Seven: Counterattack at the Mountain Door

General Summary

Hidden in a long-forgotten and crumbling bastion, the adventurers licked their wounds. During this time, Baldir recounted his solo mountainside exploration. First, he went around the base and returned to the marked trail. He followed it until he found ruins occupied by a few orcs. He challenged and defeated them with wit and a surplus of water, chasing the last one to a large stone door. Curious to learn more, Baldir picked through a rubble pile and revealed a forgotten passage. Suddenly, his comrades burst through the door in retreat. Baldir's story ended with their reunion; the Heirs of Delzoun disappeared into the unearthed bastion.
  Then they returned to the occupied ruins deep into the night. Creeping through the battlements, the Heirs slew orcs and found a secret door that led to a bunk room. There they ambushed the dozing denizens, Old Yarrack included. They fought defiantly alongside their leader, but the dwarves overwhelmed them. Yarrack was beaten bloody and captured with weapons and gadgetry. Unfortunately for the Heirs, one fled the scene to warn the rest of his warband.

Character(s) interacted with

Baldir defeated the orcs Wark and Thrak on his way to the main entrance. The Heirs had a brief exchange with Old Yarrack when they ambushed him.


  • Imbim descended into the chasm that was once spanned by the rope bridge.
  • The orcs were not aware of the secret door, so the attack was a complete surprise.
Report Date
15 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters


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