The Conclave of Silverymoon in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The Conclave of Silverymoon

The conclave of Silverymoon was a magical university established by Lady Alustriel Silverhand and provided a network of “schools” of magic throughout the city (the only school not taught being necromancy). When Archmage Aerundal succeeded as High Mage, he established new rules concerning the acceptance policy of the conclave. Like his foreign policy, the conclave began restricting acceptance based on racial purity. Where the school was once a haven of free thinking, it eventually came to represent the draconian policies of the Mageocracy, enforcing its dogma of racial purity through a curriculum focused on elven superiority in magic (and positing that the elves were the first creatures to learn it).

Elements of the Conclave

Arkhen's Invocatorium

  A school of sorcery (as opposed to wizardry). Closed by the new high mage. Sorcery came to be considered an aberration, with known sorcerers being publically exiled from the city. Most were never heard from again.

Everdusk Hall

  An elven temple and lorehouse. Any tomes of lore contradicting the High Mage’s rhetoric were destroyed.

The House of the Harp/College of Fochlucan

  A bardic college, closed allied with the Harpers. Closed by the high mage.

The Lady's College

  A school of wizardry and magic history. Renamed “The Eladrin College.”

The Map House

  A storehouse of maps.

Miresk's School of Thaumaturgy

  Where new applicants to the university were first evaluated.

Utrumm's Music Conservatory

  A school of music. Now focused entirely on teaching existing Elven works and producing new works in order to spread the artistic superiority of the Elves.

The Vault of the Sages

  The city's library.


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