Jaerathindryl in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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A young green dragon in the Silverwood. The party was sent to kill her and her wyrmling by the gold dragon Menexavaloss.   As the battle raged, Nalzmyr came close to slaying the wyrmling when Jaerathindryl begged for them not to kill her child promising that slaying Menexavaloss and taking her hoard would be a much greater reward. The group convinced her to leave the wood, along with her hoard, and they would not harm her child. She agreed and left her lair, with the party looting her hoard and finding several magic items.   Some time later, as the group traveled back to Nesme from Silverymoon, they encountered a small girl weeping in the road. She led them into the trollmoors where her parents had been taken by trolls, but it was a trap laid out by Jaerathyndril and her wyrmling (the girl). The group killed the wyrmling as she tried to fly away, then battled the mother in some ruins in the swamp. The Savage Seven emerged victorious. Her head is now displayed above the mantle of Hawk's inn.


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