Dorn in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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An aasimar paladin from Cormyr. He was a member of the order of the mark and a veteran of many thaycreep campaigns. While visiting Elturel to study the undead-destroying capabilities of the Companion, he was whisked away to Avernus when the entire city was transported there by Zariel. He defended the streets of the city until the Savage Seven discovered him battling a horde of undead beneath the Companion. He joined them as they returned home, and inadvertently landed in his home of Cormyr when the city returned to the material plane.   Dorn joined the newly named Hellraisers (formerly the savage seven) in Cormyr on their quest to end the Thaycreep. He proved highly effective at slaying the red dragon in the Stormhorn mountains.   In the thaycreep, Dorn slew many undead and helped find and destroy the phylacteries of the lich Szass Tam. He was one of 2 survivors of the hellraisers who eventually slew the lich regent of Thay. For his bravery, he was granted landed knighthood and a small estate in the Cormyran countryside. Dorn used his land and titles to help the order of the mark rebuild, eventually building out a new keep in the coastal Thayan town of Escalant. When grand master Ardek Lorens died, Dorn was named grand master in his place.


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