Varram Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


White Dragon Wyrmspeaker Varramzord (a.k.a. Varram the White)

Varramzord, also known as Varram the White, was a male gold dwarf and the White Dragon Wyrmspeaker in the reformed Cult of the Dragon under Severin Silrajin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the Tyranny of Dragons, a very competent Zhentarim Thief stole Varram's White Dragon Mask and in fear of punishment from Severin he secretly traveled from the Cult's stronghold of the Well of Dragons to the Tomb of Diderius—the site of a powerful divination pool—in order to find the mask's location. However, in the Serpent Hills, Varram was captured by a Yuan-Ti clan.   Eventually the adventuring band Forces of Nature rescued Varram after he beaten to death in order to extract information from him.   After more questioning by Connerad Brawnanvil from the Council of Waterdeep. He then was sent to Revel's End to sit out his sentence for crimes against nature and civilisation.

Personality Characteristics


Owing to his past experience, Varram hated the Red Wizards of Thay and despised the fact that Severin had allied with them. Varram was one of Severin's best friends, but had a weak personality and greatly feared the wrath of Severin. He could be easily convinced to betray the Cult in exchange for his personal protection.
Current Status
Imrisoned by the Council of Waterdeep
Aligned Organization


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