Church of Chauntea Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Church of Chauntea

The church was an approachable one, in that it welcomed all irrespective of gender or race. The liturgical doctrine of the church was such that it attracted more females than males, due to its preoccupation with femininity, and while female attendees outnumbered men, there was still a range of males that worshiped Chauntea.

Tenets of Faith

The church outlined a general set of precepts and taboos, though some of these were given to subjective interpretation since the faith was individualistic. Chaunteans saw wanton destruction as antithetical to the cycle of life. They were urged to nourish at least one living thing every day of their lives. They were advised to eschew fire also.

Granted Divine Powers

Life Domain
  Preserve life
Religious, Holy Order
Controlled Territories


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