Yondalla Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Yondalla (pronounced yon-dah-lah) was the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself. With her charming personality and friendly demeanor she was an example to all halflings; who almost all shared her curiosity, loyalty and sense of mischief.   Yondalla was sometimes considered not a true goddess but rather a divine aspect of the goddess Chauntea.   Worshipers   Despite her widespread worship among halflings and her central role in their society; her temples were unusually rare, those that did exist were designed to look like a well-hidden halfling burrow-home and were filled with weapons and food so that the communities that surrounded them could hold out against possible invaders. Her clergy were afforded a lot of respect by the followers of other gods for their defensive capabilities in spite of their small stature.   Relationships   Yondalla had close bonds with Garl Glittergold, Corellon Larethian and Moradin. With the passion with which she loved and admired her fellow halfling deities, sometimes known as ’Yondalla’s Children’, she scorned certain evil deities, such as Bane, Cyric, Talona, Talos, and the Deities of Fury.   Dogma   “Those who seek to live in accordance with the way of the Provider will be blessed with a cornucopia of riches. Seek peace and comfort, for a life lived with both is true wealth. Although violence should never be welcomed, the Protector’s aegis will extend to those willing to fiercely defend their home and community. Lead through example, and know the activities of those you lead so that you can help shoulder their burdens when need be. Treasure your family, for your parents gave you life and your children are your future. Care for the aged and the weak, for you never know when you may be one of the strong laid low."


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