The 24 Solar Myth in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The 24 Solar

The 24 Solar are believed to be the only Solar in existence in the present age. Entities of immense radiance and strength, a Solar is often the leader of an angelic army or even several armies within the Upper Planes. Synonymous with virtues such as honor, loyalty, and courage, they are rarely dispatched and even more rarely seen while carrying out what some consider missions of the utmost import to the respective divine to call them to service. Of the 24, only a handful are accounted for within the Upper Planes, with one in known existence in the first layer of Hell. The others await their call to service, whether it be from a divine or from their own sense of duty. Silent and watchful guardians, those that take action travel the planes freely, granting an account of both their personalities and their intentions. The following is a list of those observed in the material plane, or suspected to have conducted missions there:
  Auriel: A Solar of Temperance. Auriel wields a bow of slaying like the other known Solar. She once fired an arrow from one side of Faerun to the other when her intended target fled through a dimensional gateway. According to witnesses, her mission was singular in scope, as she had arrived in the material plane to hunt down and finally slay an old rival from the Eternal Conflict. A nomadic tribe of elves in the Calimshan Desert were reported to have witnessed her deeds 500 years ago.
  Emperius: A Solar of Valor. Emperius wields a mighty spear named Solarian, rumored to have been forged in the core of a golden star and capable of decimating hordes of fiends in a single, fiery strike. Emperius is known to be haughty even by celestial standards, and those that interacted with or observed the Solar witnessed him speaking with disdain and condescension to any who weren't celestials themselves. However, the Solar showed no hesitation or restraint when it came to defending innocents, throwing himself fiercely into columns of fiends, orcs, and even giants when tides of darkness encroached too broadly or too boldly across the material plane. He hasn't been seen in the material plane for over two centuries.
  Malthiel: A Solar of law. Malthiel, only witnessed once in recent years across all of Faerun in the recent war of Tyranny, was seen personally ushering mortal souls away from fiends attempting to entrap or lure them into Avernus. Some witness accounts claim that he also dispatched specific mortals for past sins and paid particular attention to those presumably associated with necromancy. Given the influence of the Raven Queen's involvement in the War of Tyranny, it is believed this Solar serves the Goddess of Death.
  Uriel: A Solar of truth. Uriel has been seen on five separate occasions on the material plane. Three of those occasions were to speak with a fortunate mortal about a recent affair involving divine intervention. Twice she spoke on behalf of a mortal. The first is unknown, but the second is a gold dragon known by locals as Totec, who is a staunch protector of Tymanthor. Recently, there have been reported sightings of the Solar in the mountains north of Neverwinter.
  Zariel: Formerly a Solar of justice, now the current ruler of the first circle of Hell, Avernus, Zariel was persuaded into the service of the Nine Hells by Asmodeus himself after her failed invasion of the Abyss. Unable to contend with both the demonic and infernal hordes, but uncompromisingly effective when dispatching demons, she made the choice to assume command of Avernus and fight the demons of the Blood War for all eternity. Now, she is a ferocious warlord and combatant, her zeal for destroying the denizens of the Abyss now made manifest in an amalgam of heavenly fury and infernal savagery.
  Mitailis: a Solar of duty. Mitailis has been witnessed twice throughout Faerun's history. Once before the Sundering when he fought on behalf of the goodly folk of the north to stave off an orcish and drow invasion of the surface. Since, his presence was witnessed observing the passage of a large number of Illithids and Githyanki whose war had spilled into the material plane. Witnesses claim he alone stood between both armies and the material plane, demanding they return to their respective realm of conflict. When both forces departed, he was seen vanishing through a prismatic gateway into a land of floating landmasses, endless forests, and the shifting dunes of sand oceans.
  Tyreal: the second Solar of Justice. Tyreal has acted as an advisor to countless struggles on the material plane, but always from the isolated vantage of Celestia. Only planeswalkers and those capable of traversing the layers of existence have seen or conversed with him. It has been discovered that he hasn't been seen in Celestia for decades. None have been able to deduce the reason for his absence, but it's widely believed he has undertaken a personal endeavor to right what is perhaps the greatest injustice perceived by the mighty angel.
  Zadkiel: a Solar of Courage.  Zadkiel is a looming solar, so much so it is rumored that he was first a giant before achieving divinity and being appointed to his station in Celestia.  Zadkiel's exploits including single-handedly repelling a demonic invasion launched from the banks of the river Styx, a feat only surpassed by Emperius himself.  Zadkiel wields an eight-sided war club, riveted with studs of adamant and weighing so much that it takes two regular solar just to heft it.  With it he has shaken the very stones of Hell, though this angel has rarely engaged the legions of the infernal realms.  Zadkiel holds steadfastly to the laws of Celestia and his superior's commands, only entering battle when ordered to do so.  However, when dispatched, he has never hesitated to join the fray, his thunderous arrival an unmistakable sign that courage has taken the field.  
  Gweihera: a Solar of Wisdom, Gweihera is quiet and reserved, sometimes even mistaken for a ghost when she has crossed into different planes.  Unlike other solar, she also adorns herself in colors that are deeper or duller than the robust golds and silvers of Celestia.  Preferring anonymity, she operates largely in shadow, and has been responsible for the rise and fall of numerous kingdoms.  Goodly rulers along the Sword Coast have sometimes reported an emissary visiting their realm and offering insight into rival kingdoms' intentions, almost always advising steadfastness to the ideals their lands were founded upon.  Should they abide, they are blessed with what can only be described as perfect discernment.  In war, they anticipate their enemy's moves.  In finance, they maneuver funds to maximize the profit of their lands.  In governance, they rule in such a way that they are adored by their subjects, leading their lands to prosperity.  Gweihera's involvement has never been proven, however many suspect she is Celestia's way of influencing other planes in a more direct way.  
  Zhouyun: a Solar of Discipline.  Zhouyun is believed to be from elvish origin, her appearance and countenance that of a lithe female with a pronounced hood hinting at elongated ears, a full mane of silver hair tumbling out from behind it.  Known for her stoic demeanor, never has she lost control of her emotions, be it in battle or in council.  She wields a uniquely shaped bastard sword in battle, her methods of combat ever evolving and adapting according to those that have witnessed her prowess.  It is rumored she is drawn to war across planes, even if she rarely participates, seeking out conflicts that she might better observe would-be champions to favor and guide toward her patron, the Red Knight.  She has crossed into many realms on numerous occasions, one of the few Solar to allow her existence to be confirmed and witnessed by mortals.  As such, she is widely sought by many warriors and martial practitioners.  However, there is a select group of those skilled in divine and arcane spellcasting who believe her favor extends to all arts of war and defense, seeking her aid to achieve favor with the Red Knight.   
  Eltauriel: a Solar of Hope.  Eltauriel's hooded visage, while similar to more enigmatic Solar like Malthiel and Gweihera, radiates an aura of vitality and determination that inspires all around her.  Known for her kindness and compassion, Eltauriel has also been offered the station of Mercy on several occasions by numerous deities.  She has declined every instance on the grounds that she'd rather inspire hope in a more direct fashion, usually defending the gates of Celestia.  When she is called to battle, she wields a pair of blazing chains, each tipped with a whirling spearpoint that she can direct with unerring accuracy.  It is claimed she learned the technique from a chain devil that she was able to convert to the side of light through Nex Sacramentum, and in doing so, gained the fiend's trust to such a degree it shared all manner of Hell's secrets with her.  The chain devil was dispatched with honor despite Eltauriel's protests, but it's knowledge remains in her keeping, along with its combat prowess that she readily embodies.  Thus far, Eltauriel has yet to be witnessed outside of Celestia.
  Merlin: A Solar of Intellect.  Merlin is believed to have taken many forms across several planes, always involving himself with the matters arcane.  There are those who assert that Merlin is an avatar of Mystra, furthering the influence of the weave and the understanding of it by goodly races.  Merlin wields no physical weapons, but is unique among Solar in appearance with his four wings, all of which are a combination of ice and mist.  Solitary and reserved, Merlin has reportedly advised two rulers in two separate planes, and has otherwise kept to himself within the more isolated peaks of Celestia.


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