Talona Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Talona (pronounced tah-LOW-nah), called the Lady of Poison, Mistress of Disease, and Mother of All Plagues, was the goddess of poison and disease. Talona was depicted as an old crone who brought misfortune and death. On the other hand, she could also be depicted as a beautiful and innocent woman.   History   The formula to the concoction known as the Chaos Curse was indirectly given to Aballister Bonaduce by an avatar of Talona. (See The Cleric Quintet by R.A Salvatore)   Relationships   Talona was allied with Loviatar and despised Chauntea, Mielikki, Kelemvor, and Tyr. She disliked Ilmater for the cures he found.   Worshipers   Talona’s followers scarred or tattooed themselves in horrible ways. They wore ragged gray-green robes and were expected to go about quietly and seek out new diseases. Her priests carried daggers dipped in poison.   Orders   The Followers of Plague experienced pain as if it were pleasure. They believed death was more powerful than life, though they were equal in balance. They followed the dictum to work in her name and let their doings be subtle or spectacular.   Temples   The House of Night’s Embrace was Talona’s largest church and was located in Tashluta.


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