Skoraeus Stonebones Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Skoraeus Stonebones

Skoraeus Stonebones was a titan worshiped as a god by the stone giants.   His holy symbol was a stalactite. Unlike other titans, he had no realm of his own and wandered the mountain regions of the Elemental Chaos. His only concern was with the affairs of the stone giant people.   Like several other gods, much of what there is to be understood of Skoraeus can be learned by first understanding his primary worshippers, the stone giants.   Description   Adult stone giants averaged about 18 feet in height and weighed 1,700 pounds. Stone giants preferred to fight using ranged weapons such as boulders but if forced into melee they wielded gigantic stone clubs.   Abilities   Stone giants had an excellent sense of smell and had infravision to 200 feet (60 m). They spoke Jotunstein and Jotun. Stone giants were the longest living of the giants, despite their low position in the ordning.   Ecology   Stone giants preferred temperate mountain ranges as their habitat.   Stone giants were powerful enough to survive and make a living in the Underdark in the face of competition. They had a tendency to gather in larger individual groups as deeper the given group was located, but were primarily denizens of the Upperdark, though even there their number wasn’t large.   They carved their homes out of the rock and had a reputation as good artisans, though they generally maintained an uncaring stance towards other denizens of the Underdark and expected the same stance from the others.   Society   Stone giant family bonds were less important than the bonds between a master and his pupil. The ordering of stone giant society was based upon an individual’s artistic ability.   The strongest stone giant nation was Cairnheim in the Underdark. It was a village located in the western part of the Darklands’-Upperdark inside the Giant’s Run Mountains under the rule of the stone giant lich Dodkong.   Subraces   A subrace of stone giants known as ash giants lived in the Black Ash Plain in eastern Faerûn. They were approximately the same size as stone giants. They had hairless grey skin and deep set black eyes and often smeared themselves with ash as camouflage. Some ash giants were shamans.


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