Session II: Deadly Intrigue Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session II: Deadly Intrigue

General Summary

Excerpt from Nomad's Journal...   Right away we all know this is going to be a rough fight. Sturges all over, flying up to both floors and going after everyone, and that troll is covered in puss and rot, poisoning everything around it. We all get to it, Honorine striking first and getting the troll's attention along with Sadachbia with his biting magic. Illidrex takes a sturge down and gives me an opening to call on some old tricks. Regulus and Atka are swatting the buggers up top, and Angus is busy pushing people out of harm's way. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, he's always put others first. Sad to see a few folks get dropped, but the acid and poison these things are leaking melt through everything. The troll is about to go on a warpath, so I step in. And then an old enemy decides to get involved. Don't want to think much more about it beyond the power I'm given, but it burns through the troll well enough in one swing. It's out of the fight, then we're on to the remaining sturges which don't last long. It's over quick after that. Sadachbia is patching people up.   Durnan tells us the measures he's got in place to stop stuff like this from happening. It takes some doing--fixing the runes that keep beasts away. Minor repairs, but Sadachbia and Regulus get it done. Up top there' some investigating of the troll as well as harvesting some items. Turns out someone tried to implant a green dragon's poison bladder in this thing and it went horribly wrong, but it was also led to the Yawning Portal and turned loose. Something's going on in Skullport.   Regulus gets approached by a guy named Volo. We all talk with him in private and find out he's got a friend missing and he's willing to pay big to get him back. We need to find Floon, and last he was seen, he was getting involved with the wrong crowd. The Black Network. I know it's not something the Zhentarim like me doing, but I level with the others. They need to know what they're walking into. Black Network has been stirring up trouble with Xanathar's gang and making the Zhentarim take the fall for it. They need to know who's fighting on their side and who they need to be fight against. We send Volo on his way and tell him we'll find his friend. He pays us, then heads his way as I head mine and go to confront a potential problem. It's a tense introduction, but I meet another member of the Zhent, and he introduces me around. Doom Raiders...Need to work with them soon. And talk with Grek, if he'll give me the time.   We decide to get some rest after that. Next morning, Sadachbia catches a strange sight. Rats in the Yawning Portal too, which has Durnan in a tizzy because there shouldn't be any rats in here thanks to the wards. Sadachbia goes to investigate, turning into a rat himself and then gets jumped somewhere in the walls. Comes out a bit bloody and tells us there's someone or something trying to mess with the Yawning Portal. Durnan's irritated, but now he knows he's got enemies. Or at least, people spying on him. Here's hoping we can help him out.   Then it's off to gear up because we're about to head to the Dock Ward and the place isn't exactly welcoming to folks like us. Black Network sure to be there, so we need to be ready. Illidrex pulls some strings, makes some introductions for us after we sell some goods. Good Steel is where we end up. Meet an acquaintance of his who fought in the War. She helps get us outfitted first, then we get to the clothes shop with the name that's too long for me to remember. Illidrex and the others get what they need.   A gang war, murders in the trade district, this business at the Yawning Portal, and now we're off to find a high-profile missing person...I guess poking the Black Network is a good place to start.
Report Date
12 Dec 2021


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