Forgotten Tides Campaign - Precampaign One Shot: Confrontation with the Frost Maiden's Followers in Good Mead Plot in Forgotten Realms - A Home Brew Version | World Anvil
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Forgotten Tides Campaign - Precampaign One Shot: Confrontation with the Frost Maiden's Followers in Good Mead

Adventure Title: Confrontation with the Frost Maiden's Followers in Good Mead   Setting: The town of Good Mead, recently freed from the clutches of the Frost Maiden, is in a state of recovery and celebration. However, the shadows of past conflicts linger as the town still bears the scars of a battle with the Chardalyn dragon and the harsh eternal winter.   Plot Overview: This one-shot adventure places the heroes in the middle of a covert conflict as they return to the town of Good Mead. While the town celebrates their heroic deeds and the end of the Frost Maiden's reign, some of her most devoted followers plot revenge. The adventure begins with the party's split, as some members engage in personal tasks within the recovering town. However, their separation provides a perfect opportunity for the remaining cultists of the Frost Maiden to strike.   The confrontation is triggered when Wrenn, seeking to share a newfound honor with his companions, unwittingly leads them into an ambush prepared by the cultists. This battle tests the heroes' ability to regroup and act under surprise attack conditions. Strategic decisions become crucial, especially when Pinia and Tillo, observing from a hill, must choose how to best support their friends in the fray.   Key Themes:   Persistence of Belief vs. Change: The cultists refuse to accept their deity’s defeat, contrasting with the heroes who adapt to the new realities of Good Mead. Survival and Desperation: The cultists, driven by desperation, engage in a dangerous confrontation with the heroes, making this a raw and intense battle for survival on both sides.     Objective: The main objective of this adventure is to navigate through an unexpected conflict, reinforcing the heroes' roles as protectors of Good Mead while dealing with the remnants of the Frost Maiden's influence. It serves as a critical test of their abilities to maintain unity and make strategic decisions in the face of emerging threats.

Plot points/Scenes

Introduction Setting the Scene Atmosphere: The party is in Good Mead, celebrating their recent victories and the town's recovery from the Frost Maiden's harsh reign. However, the mood is mixed as not everyone rejoices; some of Auril's most devoted followers converge on the town, their intentions dark and vengeful.   Town's Condition: Half of the town remains in ruins, a testament to the battle with the Chardalyn dragon. The visible scars and ongoing reconstruction efforts serve as constant reminders of the past ordeals.   Trigger Event Departure of the Healers: Winnie and Faylenn, having fulfilled their duties at the makeshift shrine to the gods—a symbol of the town's gratitude—leave to rejoin their companions.   Discovery by Wrenn: Upon finding that the town has honored the party with engraved images depicting their heroic deeds on the inn’s wall, Wrenn excitedly sets off to find Winnie and Faylenn to share this discovery. His journey leads him right into the path of an unfolding danger.   Confrontation Discovery Observation by the Cult: Noticing the party's temporary split, the cult of Auril's followers sees a perfect opportunity to strike, hoping to disrupt the celebrations and exact revenge.   Ambush Prepared: The cultists, blending in with the townsfolk or lurking in the less frequented areas, prepare to launch a surprise attack on the divided groups of heroes.   Engagement Initial Attack: Just as Wrenn reunites with Winnie and Faylenn, the followers of Auril initiate their assault. This sudden confrontation challenges the party's readiness and tests their cohesion under pressure.   Tactics of the Followers: Driven by desperation and a radical belief in their goddess’s return, the cultists engage with fanatic zeal. They employ ice-based magic and guerrilla tactics, aiming to overwhelm and incapacitate the heroes.   Observation from the Hill Pinia and Tillo's Perspective: From their strategic vantage point on a hill to the west, Pinia and Tillo witness the unfolding attack. They face a critical decision on how to intervene effectively, weighing their options between direct engagement or providing strategic support from a distance.


To structure these themes into a coherent format suitable for your World Anvil plot template, I'll provide clear headings and descriptions that integrate seamlessly with the details of your D&D one-shot adventure. Here's how you might present them:   Theme: Thawing Barriers Description: The slowly melting ice and snow along the path where the encounter takes place symbolize the thawing of barriers—both literal and metaphorical. This visual metaphor extends to the characters' interactions, suggesting a potential for overcoming old grudges and misunderstandings. The remnants of ice, while melting, still pose a physical danger, mirroring the lingering threats and unresolved issues among the characters and their adversaries.   Theme: Fragile Alliances Description: The cultists, although united in their devotion to the Frost Maiden, display a fragile alliance that may crack under pressure. This theme is evident in their coordination during the encounter, where signs of internal conflict and doubt surface. The precarious state of their union reflects the unstable and changing environment around them, emphasizing the uncertainty and tension of their motives.   Theme: Persistence of Belief vs. Acceptance of Change Description: As the world transitions from the harshness of an eternal winter to a more forgiving climate, the cultists cling stubbornly to their belief in the Frost Maiden's return. In contrast, the party represents adaptability and the acceptance of new realities, navigating the changing terrain both physically and ideologically. This theme highlights the clash between holding onto the past and embracing the future, played out through the cultists' refusal to let go and the party's readiness to move forward.   Theme: Survival and Desperation Description: The encounter is driven by a raw sense of survival and desperation. The cultists, facing the disintegration of their cause, act out of a desperate last stand, while the party fights to assert their strength in a still-unstable world. The challenging conditions of the fight—uneven ground, slippery ice, and puddles—underscore the immediacy of the physical and emotional stakes involved. This theme captures the intensity of the battle, where every action is charged with the urgency of survival in an unforgiving landscape.
Completion Date
Plot type
Precampaign One Shot:
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