Wave Walking Tradition / Ritual in Forge Islands | World Anvil

Wave Walking

During the delightful summertime, it is possible to walk on the waves for a brief but enchanting time, where the abundance of Aurorite crystal chips float to the surface.  

Wave Walking: A Tidal Dance of Sea Spray

In the coastal waters of Cape Zaffre, a unique phenomenon occurs during the summer months. The ocean currents carry an array of magical Aurorite crystal chips to the surface of the water. These shimmering chips, reflecting the colors of the aurora borealis, have inherent buoyancy, causing them to float just above the waves.   As the Aurorite crystal chips gather on the water's surface, they create a magical pathway, allowing those who dare to step onto them to walk on the waves for a short time. Wave Walking is a thrilling and exhilarating activity, requiring a careful balance of grace and finesse to maintain one's footing on the moving surface.  

Festive Gatherings

Wave Walking becomes a beloved and eagerly anticipated summertime activity in Cape Zaffre. The townspeople gather by the seashore during the peak of the season, eager to partake in this wondrous experience. A lively festival atmosphere pervades the coast, with vibrant music, colorful decorations, and the tantalizing aroma of sea-themed delicacies filling the air.  

Ephemeral Joy

The enchantment of Wave Walking lies in its ephemeral nature. The Aurorite crystal chips eventually disperse with the changing tides, rendering the walkable path fleeting. This adds an element of anticipation and celebration as participants strive to make the most of their time on the waves, creating lasting memories that carry them through the year until the next summer.  

Nature's Dancefloor

The glimmering pathway created by the Aurorite crystal chips is often likened to a nature-made dancefloor. Participants are encouraged to express themselves through movement and dance, infusing the experience with their own unique style and flair.  

A Magical Memory

As the sun sets on a day of Wave Walking, participants gather on the sandy shore to bid farewell to the departing crystal chips. The Luminauts lead a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude to the sea and the Aurorite crystals for the magical experience they have shared. The memory of this extraordinary summertime activity lingers in their hearts, inspiring hope and excitement for the next season's enchanting dance on the waves.


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Aug 7, 2023 14:35 by Enoris Leinwand

I love the picture it paints in my head, of people walking so graciously on water that they dance. This is a great article and I really enjoyed discovering your work.