Chronitine Material in Forge Islands | World Anvil


Chronitine is a rare crystalline mineral that's exlusively found in the Obsidianite Steppe . It is a valuable material used in some technological machines, especially those focused on time and relocation of space. It's also used as a magical compoment though its use is not exclusive or considered rare when used in magic.   It's refinement and processing are mostly done in Azurith where many of the best workshops and labs for Chronitine refinement and processing are located. The mineral itself is not hard to mine, while it is difficult to find. Nonetheless, its price is quite high because of the small quantities available since it can only be found in one area of the Forge islands.


Material Characteristics

It looks like a crystal, though its color and shine are quite muted, with a light brown color. When reflected in light, it gives off a golden shine.

Geology & Geography

So far, it has only been found in the Obsidianite Steppe . It is generally found in cave systems and canyons of dry and warm climates, though other examples have been covered in the Frost.

History & Usage


The Vulpe discovered Chronitine in the area, since they are expert miners, scavangers and are native to warm, desert-like environments. Since then, they have been experts in the discovery and extraction of Chronitine and take pride in their mastery of its refinement.


Law & Regulation

Chronitine is heavily regulated by Azurith 's authorities,  since the only way it can be purchased or moved is through its market. It's also somewhat easy to fake with glass mixed with other crystals and sand - with good forgeries being able to rob buyers and merchants of fortunes - thus quality checks are frequently made.
Light brown with a golden sheen
Common State


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