Heaven's White Fire Character in Forbidden Lands | World Anvil
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Heaven's White Fire

Cale Ildacer was born into a wealthy half-elven family, and from a young age, he was exposed to the finest ceramics and pottery that the elven lands had to offer. He became fascinated by the art of pottery-making, and he spent much of his youth studying and practicing the craft.   As Cale grew older, he became a skilled pottery merchant, traveling far and wide to sell his wares to elven settlements and other markets. He became well-respected in these circles for his knowledge of ceramics and his diplomatic nature, always striving to find mutually beneficial deals for all parties involved.   Despite his diplomatic facade, Cale secretly held a deep contempt for humans and other races that did not have elven blood. He looked down upon them as inferior, and he often took pleasure in manipulating and exploiting them for his own gain.   Eventually, Cale's travels brought him to the Pelagia temple. There, he was struck by the kindness and compassion of the druids who lived there. He converted to the temple's faith and became a half-elf druid, using his powers and craftsmanship to the community.   Now, Cale is a respected member of the Pelagia temple community, using his skills as a pottery merchant to support the temple and its mission. Though he still struggles with his prejudices at times.

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