Front Man or Lead Singer Profession in Folk Rock Horror | World Anvil

Front Man or Lead Singer

A job that takes its practitioners to removed or faraway places.   The front man - or woman - is the performer behind the mic. Every great band needs a charismatic, compelling leader - and the lead singer fills that role. Whether it's Mick Jagger prancing his way across the stage for the Rolling Stones, or Janis Joplin screaming her heart out for Big Brother and Holding Company, the front man/woman isn't just the person responsible for singing the melody. Their job is also to get the crowd fired up and keep them engaged for every song, and every set.   In the world of Folk Rock Horror, many supernatural events are tied to harvesting the chaotic, vibrant energy of crowds. Nobody is more well-situated to generate that energy than the various front men and women of the bands traveling with the Sunshine River Music Fair.    Fueled by a deep desire for fame and acclaim, these troubadours pour their whole soul into getting crowds up on their feet dancing. As the sun sets and the moon rises on the various fairgrounds, concert halls and makeshift stages, a kind of magic happens that is tied to the lifeforce of youth, rebellion and creativity itself. Lead singers have the power to generate that magic - and to harness it to fuel their own dreams and aspirations.    However, this exuberant lifestyle comes at a cost. A band makes most of its money in ticket sales from live shows, and that means being on the road. This can make it hard to maintain connections and relationships with anyone who isn't a part of the band. A lead singer stands poised between two primal desires: the siren song of success, and the comforts of home and hearth. Few are the performers who have managed to sustain both for any length of time.
Alternative Names
Lead Singer


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Aug 2, 2023 05:21 by Brian

Really liked the new take on the lead singer. The idea that they take energy and magic from their audience by performing is a very unique twist. A very cool concept that would have a lot of fun storytelling. Just imagine a rock and roll lead singer not just singing good lyrics, but lyrics that weave magic through it and keep the audience enthralled. Also the tag at the end that being a lead singer means going to the places where the crowd is, was perfect. They have to travel to all different places to not only make money but keep the magic going. Love it, very creative!

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