Kuro Compromise Document in Fódlan | World Anvil
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Kuro Compromise (Kuu-ro)

An 810 amendment on Legal Bill NR 248: Reason Magic Compromise I.Y 752
Formal compromise between the Church of Seiros, Adrestian Empire, and the newly found Kingdom of Faerghus about how to manage Reason magic within the kingdom.


The Reason Magic Compromise banned Arcane/Reason magic between I.Y 752- 810. Kuro Compromise: Rescinded the complete banned in favor of banning specific spells.

Updated yearly by the church as new magic research is done.

Document Structure


Referenced in

An alternate approach to classifying magic - Yvonsari Amarawin | Published I.Y1039]

Publication Status

Publised in every recognized church in Fódlan.

Historical Details


Reason Magic Compromise

This declaration was created in reaction to the discovery Emperor Kuro Von Hresvelg was personally developed dark magic to win the War of Eagles of Lions.
This declaration banned all Non-Faith Magic between I.Y 752 and I.Y 810.


Kuro Compromise:

During the Leicester Rebellions of I.Y 801-810, it was discovered the Empire and Kingdom were both secretly continuing this research. So instead of a total ban, the Church opted for a more specific approach. The compromise was named after the now deceased Emperor Kuro. | Kuro Von Hresvelg]

Public Reaction

The Adrestian Empire was furious to be censored by an external organization. But seeing as they were losing they war they agreed to the terms to avoid dragging the conflict out and losing more territory.


The newly liberted Faerghans saw it as a just check on the empire's power


During this time hysteria was at an all time high. Many that worried their neighsbors were warlocks reported it to their local churches, who couldn't do much but investigate and report it up to the Central Church, who then deployed the Knights of Seiros in Serious cases. Many individuals were arrested during this time for studying magic.


I.Y 752- I.Y 810 after the readjustment the empire opened the Enbarr_School_of_Wizardy, and the Fhirdiad:School_of_Sorcery to further tap into what the arcane was capable of.

Check Above for the list of spells.

Text, Legislative
Authoring Date
I.Y 748 Blue Sea Moon 3rd
Ratification Date
I.Y 752 Harpstring Moon 18th

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