Elfae Species in Flamesend Inheritance | World Anvil
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Elfae (EL-fay)

Once a dominant species of the planet, their civilization now resides in a region that represents a fraction of their past empire. Elfae are respected for their integrity, ethics, morals, and honor. A small but mighty nation that acts as the beating heart of the planet. They are nortorious difficult to kill.

Military service begins at age 20, meaning that women can be done with their service before they marry and men could be half done.

The elfae have pioneered the use of “magic fax machine” but it’s entirely voice recordings. Most often, they are attached to little statues that represent “this holds a recorded message” but can be done on anything.

They have the retaining rings, which uses a higher skill of magic, and needs authorization before being deployed. It’s primarily used in wartime to capture prisoners to use as labor, so its use can be interpreted as aggression or war.

Their culture and traditions are almost entirely oral and they are the ones who have refined the “speaking stones” (see what I called the magic fax in OIAR) to hold memories, history, speeches, decrees, etc.

They are also pictorial by way of beaded and embroidered clothing, tapestries, and use of symbols and symbolic colors in their clothing and painted rooms, statues, buildings, etc.

  • Never wear green on holy days
  • Red with yellow beads or yellow stripes is for death and mourning.
  • Blue is reserved for (and to represent) royalty because the pigment is rare
  • Purple is for (and represents) births and weddings because the creatures (snails) are cat-sized and abundant during the rainy season
  • Common clothing: yellows, clay-colors, browns, shades of red, purples, blacks, whites.

Battlefield deaths are handled differently. Each body is sorted by family, buried for a year, then the bones are wrapped in red-and-yellow striped cloth and brought back by their family dynasty to be cremated. This functions as a mass funeral and remembrance on the anniversary of the battle. In case of sustained casualties along an extended region (border conflict), all deceased are grouped by month of death.

What written language they do have is pictorial like Chinese where each stroke has a meaning, and the person’s name is an image of meaning.

Beaded necklaces mean things with certain color combinations. (think birthstones, family heritage, number of children, age, social status, number of kills in war, special events they attended). Basically like a charm bracelet that keeps getting added to.

Basic Information


Humanoid in appearance. Winged and wingless, as determined by genetics. All possess levels of psychokinesis and pyrokinesis. They are lighter in density, fast on their feet, and exceptionally strong.

Winged elfae are able to exert telekinesis control over plants and trees, and their byproducts. The further removed from its natural state, the harder the byproduct is to manipulate. They have the ability to create fire but in very small amounts - proportionally about 90% of their psychokinesis is manifested as manipulation of plants and trees, and the remaining 10% as fire. Their wings apear thin and leathery (much like a bat), and are delicate in appearance but nearly indestructible. Designed for incredibly fast flight and tight maneuverability, they cannot sustain high speeds for long amounts of time. Wings are kept folded like origami tightly against the back so as to not be in the way of day-to-day mobility. However, in situations of uncertainty or peril, their wings are ready for flight at a moment's notice.

Wingless elfae have the opposite proportions of psychokinesis - 90% pyrokinesis and 10% manipulation of plants and trees. Their fire is mostly used as an appreciation of beauty in their traditional dances and rituals but is formidable in times of conflict. The elfae have strict rules regarding the use of their fire inside and outside of accepted cultural behavior.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gestation for childbearing is shorter, about seven months instead of nine, and the children are fully developed but very small.

Growth Rate & Stages

They reach full maturity around age 25.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores. Very light eaters who feed mostly on wild fruits, all parts of plants (leaves, bark, roots, flowers, seeds), minerals, birds, small mammals, and seasonal fish brought in with the flood season.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They live in tight-knit family dynasties. Dynasty membership is indicated by a pattern of four piercings in the ear cartilage of both ears, done at the time of maturity (age 25) in a ceremony that ushers them into adulthood and marriage. Most marriages are arranged but love matches are not forbidden. A period of courtship can begin as early as age 16 but the marriage cannot happen until one of the parties reaches age 25, thus most coming-of-age ceremonies are also weddings. They are passionate people who do nothing halfway. Despite their outward beauty and grace, they are fierce and loyal warriors with a strict sense of honor and integrity.

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

Flamesend, the Night Dancer

Mog - Of Ice and Roses and Portal Report

Stevie - Of Ice and Roses

Nathaini of Bentelsel - Portal Report

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They can intermarry with other humanoid species like humans and keidskygen, as well as species that can take on humanoid form like nichovan, euska, avorapean, and other shapeshifters.
Average Physique

All elfae are athletic and well proportioned. Much of their time outside of daily tasks is spent in physically demanding things like dance, gymnastics, acrobatics, running, as well as physically tasking manual labor such as brick making, building, and gardening.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

All have silver markings on their arms and backs in unique, swirled patterns that act as identifying marks.

Related Organizations
Related Myths
Author's Inspirtation
It seems like all fantasy stories have fairies or elves, and I couldn't see the compelling reason why. I did a bit of research on both and discovered that for a period of time, the names were used interchangabily. That led me down of path of making a single species that would stand in for both. I landed with the elfae: the "el" from elf and "fae" from the common name for fairy. As with any well-imagined species, they took on a life, culture, and history of their own.


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