Session 66 and 67: Wake the Dead Report in Firnormond | World Anvil
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Session 66 and 67: Wake the Dead

General Summary


49th of Spirende 22nd year of the Second Era   Malcolm Meara Echo and Wulffric began sliding down the now flat ramp towards the pit at the botom.   Echo managed to grab the stairs before sliding down and Meara caught herself on the side after sliding about 30 feet down. Zuko secured his magic grappling hook allowing Meara to get back to the top. Malcolm slid to the bottom but kept himself from falling into the pit. Wulffric unfortunately did slide into the pit but wasn't harmed too badly. Malcolm and Wullfric were retrieved on the magic carpet and the party made their way into Kuningröf.   As they entered, a sympathetic voice in ancient sylvan warned them to turn back because nothing in the tomb was worth their lives.     As they entered the crypt they found an intricate device that allowed them to light the entire crypt from the first and encountered a fairly obvious trap which they triggered from a safe distance. Again the voice pleaded with them not go go deeper into the crypt. Making their way through the lower levels they encountered a cave in, and had to follow the flow of water that had encroached on the crypt into a natural cavern that eventually met with another wall of the crypt beyond the cave in. Malcolm created a gun powder charge the break down the wall and upon reentering the crypt they were faced with awakened skeletal remains of Klizmir the Undying's kin. After deafeating them, Malcolm awakend the voice of one of the corpses and asked it questions about Klizmir, but it appeared that the bodies in this chamber belonged to people who died before Klizmir's birth.   A short time later, the party found theselves facing a trap that could only be passed by solving a puzzle. A chamber with a floor made of tiles with sylvan characters covered giant pit, and Malcolm workedout that only by following the tiles that spelled out "death" in Sylvan could they make it across the room safely.  

A Sandy Grave

  A short time later thye coame to a chamber with a statue of Klizmir beneath a balcony with two collapsed staircases. The walls were covered in glyphs. They attempted to fly to the balcony but one of the glyphs activated causing the flying carpet to crahs. They then attempted to get onto the balcony using the magic grappling hook, but the teleportation magic triggered another glyph and failed. Echo decided to try to scale the statue, and when she reached the arm, it pivoted and the voice apologized that they hadn;t heeded the previous warnings, and the room began to fill with sand. Echo continued to climb the statue and threw down a rope to help Meara up. Malcolm an Zuko threw the hook again and used it as a regualr rope, and Malcolm made his way to the statue to climb up.   The next chamber seemed to contain Klizmir's more immediate family. Zuko bagan collecting jewelry from the corpses but Malcolm stopped him, as he was uncomfortable with Zuko stealing from his ancestors. Echo collected what Zuko dropped without anyone noticing. The way forward was blocked with stone bearing the insignia of the Hellige Riddere and a small spherical impression. Searching the room they found one of the corpses was missing its head, and remembered the skull of Klizmir's son that had been given to them by Ethed. Placing the skull on the corpse caused the jaw to open, revealing a small metal sphere that allowed them to break the sealed door. The voice once more addressed them, this time acknowledging that they clearly entered the crypt knowing what was there, and wished them luck.   Entering the final chamber, they found unfinished structures in a natural cavern. Painted on the walls with natural materials were depictions of Klizmir and the other champions in various situations. Studying the paintings The Regulators felt a connection with their own connections as group, and for the first time thought of the original champions less in their historical context, but as a group of friends and comrads.   On top of a pyrimid like structure they saw a sarcophogas, and Zuko turned invisible to investigate. On the far side he saw what looked like a person covered in cobwebs, and returned to the group. Several of the party hid while Malcolm called out Klizmir from a distance. Klizmir stood up and welcomed him. He assumed from their presence that they were there for his weapon because Mantus had returned. Malcolm clarified why they really needed the weapon and admitted they knew they wuld have to kill him for it. Klimir threw the weapon and offered to let them all take a shot at him before he fought back. As the fight started, Echo jumped into the riverrunning through the chamber and found it full of skeletal remains. When she got her hand on the weapon is dissapeared as Klizmir recallled it. During the fight, it was revealed that while Klimir couldn't let most people end his life without a fight and couldn't kill himself, his friends, the original champions were supposed to come to him and end his life at an appropriate time, but never did.   After a hard fought battle, Klizmir finally fell, and the weapon landed at Malcolm's feet, the crystal shattered and it was once again a simple dagger. Malcolm picked it up and placed his own crystal inside. It transformed into a long black revolver. Malcom approached Klizmir who was finally dying, and Klizmir said he could see his friends. Malcolm implored him to forgive them, and enjoy hos well deserved rest. Klizmir's final words to Macolm were, "It's your curse now."   Malcolm aimed Reaper's Hand at Klizmir and it glowed purple, ringing like a funeral bell. Malcolm cocked the hammer, and pulled the trigger. Malcolm then asked the others to promise they would make sure he didn't end up living for thousands of years like Klizmir.   To Be Continued...
Report Date
23 Sep 2022


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