Ogre Species in Firnormond | World Anvil
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Ogres were created in the early centuries of the Era of Mortal Rule. The result of a curse placed on a clan of Leviathans (goliaths) creating a forced hybrid between them and trolls, and are essentially a hybrid of the two. Ogres are raised by their fathers until adolescence and then abandoned. While not quick witted, Ogres are not as dumb as they are often portrayed. In fact they can be crafty when given the time to plan. They are also known to be very wise by the time they reach adult hood (120 years). Unfortunately, in spite of their size and strength (and their awareness thereof), they are typically very fearful creatures. An ogres aggressive attacks are typically an act of fear; they hope that by screaming and swinging the large rocks they carry with them (Bróðir Steinn), they will scare off the humanoids thaterritoryt have encroached on their in large numbers. In reality, this has given them a reputation as monsters among the humanoids who never realized they started settling in the Ogres territory years before they were discovered.  The large stone they carry over their shoulders and use as a weapon is not crafted or found, but is with them from birth, and is always just heavy enough to be a burden. If separated from this stone for too long, the ogre will die. It is for this reason, those with evil intentions and access to the necessary magic, have throughout history captured control over an adolescent ogres stone to get them to do their bidding. This of course has added to their negative reputation.


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