Love like a rock Document in Firnormond | World Anvil
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Love like a rock

An alleged erotic novel written by Shoaly Hernial that reads like a history text disguised as an erotic novel written by someone who is only familiar with sex and romance by second hand description.   The book is engaging but very poor for what it is supposed to be. The story is deeply connected to the politics of the world surrounding the characters and the author spends a bit too much time on the political and adventure elements of the story than the smut. It is also glaringly apparent that parts of the book were plagiarized as the writing style is dramatically different in many passages, especially the parts that deal with the politics and the background. The story follows a woman living in the capital city of an ancient kingdom. You gather the people in this story are ancient elves, and the city is in a cold seasonal climate. There is even a map included in the book which causes you to again scoff at the author's lack of commitment to the genre, but the map is unfamiliar and you assume completely made up. The country is under almost constant attack from enemies on all sides, and there is fear that the capital city will eventually be sacked. Then out of nowhere the kind parades a new army through the streets. She describes the soldiers as cold, emotionless and powerful, as if made from stone. They are also all nearly identical, but yet one soldier among them catches her eye and she falls hopelessly in love.    
"You realize much to your chagrin that you are damn near half way through this book and this is the first indication of so much as a crush, much less sex."
  She relentlessly tries to win the affections of this soldier, but on several occasions questions if he is even capable of emotion. The army pushes back their enemies and she continues to try to get his attention to no avail. Finally, when a dragon attacks the city and she is nearly killed, the soldier rescues her and expresses concern for her well being. Then follows a series of close together, poorly described sex scenes, interjected with descriptions of how he becomes more and more like a normal person. When the country is finally at peace, the soldier warns her that she should run away, because the King has gone against some sort of agreement, and if he did not come to his senses soon, the entire city would be put under a terrible curse.   One day the majority of the soldiers headed to the castle, but he disobeyed and helped her flee the city as a wave of magic rushed over the city like a wave, turning the people into stone, and the city sank beneath the ground. He got her just outside the limit of this curse, but he was caught in its effect and turned to stone himself. There is an awkward scene where she makes love to his petrified stone from in at the entrance to a cave that led to the remains of the city. The entire last passages from the point of the curse seemed very rushed and lacked detail as if the author didn't really know where to go from there. As if she had run out of material and was just trying to give it an ending. But that is the conclusion of a very disappointing smut novel.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)


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