Lilith Smios Character in Firnormond | World Anvil
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Lilith Smios

-Human Female -Former leader of the Anexa Assasins . Both a skilled assassin and apparent warlock with a demonic patron. -According to her journal she was raised and trained as an assassin by a man named Ørjan Brevig. Later in life, she discovered that he was not her real father, but the assassin that killed her real parents. Enraged by this discovery, she attempted to kill her adopted father but was badly beaten, and he was able to escape. -She was discovered and healed by a group known as the Cult of Mantus who then brought her to Hame where she apparently met her Demonic Patron. -She continued her work as an assassin in her Patron's name while hunting down her adopted father. One of her victim's was Alaric 's wife. She tracked down Orjan in Ahran where Alaric was receiving training from him, and finally achieved her revenge. -She was confronted by Alaric and the remaining crew of the Vestige in Fort Anexa as ordered by her patron, but was unable to defeat them and fled.


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