A Brief History of the Great Guild Wars Document in Firnormond | World Anvil
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A Brief History of the Great Guild Wars

A book that attempts to summarize the basic details of the long and difficult to define history of the first and second great guild wars of Sacramond.   Chapter 1: Belligerents
  • Chapter explains that the reason they are referred as the Guild Wars is because the majority (not all) of the factions in the wars were distinguished from conventional nations in their style, actions and power structures. Though many proper kingdoms and countries were involved in both wars, most started as conventional guilds. Their membership was not always tied to a specific ethnicity, race, or even consistent geographical area like normal states. The territories they controlled both during the first war and after the Great Treaty was signed were fragmented. Though they installed or took control of the government in every place they occupied, their concerns were solely focused on the needs of the guild, and most of them seemed to be engaged in the conflict as some sort of callous competition. Besides the death and destruction caused by centuries of conflict, matters were made worse by the fact that the people they governed were horribly neglected. It would be impossible to create an exhaustive list of every nation and guild involved throughout both wars, but the most significant (by virtue of their participation in the Great Treaty) includes the Order of Thanatos (Drow guild that waged war with the use of undead), The Serapis (Artificers. Enchanted Weaponry) , The Yomenie (alliance of Wood Elves "the gathering" mostly interested in protecting the natural world from the devestation of the wars), The Black Dawn (demon summoners), The Tempest (Aphiel and his followers. Pure dark magic), The Citadel (high elves, intent on reviving the Alfardarine Empire), House of Brass (Dragonborn Royal Family)
  • Chapter 2: The First Great Guild War Lasted from approximately 4617 (though smaller conflicts began years before), till the signing of the Treaty of Sacramond in 4726 which began the Fourth Era. The official beginning of the war was marked when the guilds began conscripting citizens to fight their battles rather than just guild members. By the end of the war, the guilds controlled more than 80% of the populated parts of Sacramond. With the signing of the Great Treaty, there was a fragile peace. The guilds compromised to redrawing national borders to keep their various holdings together, and agreed to end expansion. - Chapter 3: The Second Great Guild War The treaty was first broken in 4860 when the armies of Shar (under the orders of the Serapis) began annexing settlements of escaped Qutaran (Tabaxi) slaves. Settlements had been developing outside the borders of the various guilds' territories for some time and all factions desired to expand into these lands, but the Serapis was the first guild to violate this treaty. In 4872 word spread that the continent of Acreomond now thrived with life, and fugitives from the devestation of the war fled in large numbers to the ancient continent within the year. The Serapis faired extremely well during this war and seemed poised to most of Sacramond, but in 4880 vanished without a trace. All guild members withdrew positions of political influence, including in their home nation of Shar. The other guilds continued fighting over the following years in spite their rapidly dwindling numbers. By 5029 the remaining great guilds had withdrawn to their original home territories, bringing the war to a close.   Chapter 4: The lasting effects The Order of Thanatos suffered great losses, exacerbated by a civil war in their own country. Many of the Great Drow houses rescinded their support for the guild and fought for territory in Vedinia. Many of the guilds in these conflicts still operate today, but their widespread influence over governments outside of their home countries has all but disappeared, and the nations that have risen since the end of the second war are generally intolerant of political influence from the guilds. The continent is still sparsely populated as of this writing, but this end of the guild influences has marked the beginning of a new era in Sacramond. The Grand Sages of the Archives of Udal both continents are progressing to new eras of prosperity, but also agree that the survival of life on Firnomond would be best served if the two societies remained isolated from each other.
    Manuscript, Historical


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