Serubror, the Chaotic Good in Ffellwyn'eth | World Anvil

Serubror, the Chaotic Good

"To truly cherish life, one must be ready to take life. Choices must be made."
  Often called "The Golden Storm," Serubror is the Chaotic Good of the moral compass.  

His Plane, The Golden Winds - Ulvengardt

In a place of obscuring, golden fog, one might normally be worried. But If you are welcomed there, you shan't fear. But... if you're where you don't belong, the Storm will come for you. And you will stand no chance.   There is not much within the Golden Winds themselves. Among the fog, there are great towers of respite, though there is little life in them. Yet there is an eye to the storm. For although the landscape outside of it is nigh uninhabitable--a consequence of Serubror's very presence within the plane--at the center of the storm is the city of Ulven, full of life, untouched by the outer gales.

Planar Identifiers

Symbol: Sword of Serubror
Color: Gold
Gemstone: Rutile Quartz
Musical Key: D Major

Articles under Serubror, the Chaotic Good


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