Qaeroth, the God of Chaos Character in Ffellwyn'eth | World Anvil

Qaeroth, the God of Chaos

"Haha, yes! For I am Chaos as it acts... I revel in watching order rebuild itself brick by brick, only for me to scatter it again!"
  Feared by any who know his name, Qaeroth embodies Quintessential Chaos.  

His Plane, The Everchange

A plane with no pattern. One moment, it could be a burning hellscape, the next it's all made out of cheese. Although Qaeroth seems to delight in his power, he's proclaimed that it's all the more enjoyable to meddle in the affairs of other planes.

Planar Identifiers

Symbol: The Crux of Chaos
Color: None/All?
Gemstone: Ammolite
Musical Key: Anything out of key.


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