Heialyn, the Neutral Evil in Ffellwyn'eth | World Anvil

Heialyn, the Neutral Evil

"You've made a grave mistake coming here, fleshling."
When it comes to powerful wickedness, there is no match to the planelord, Helg, Queen among the Neutrally Evil.  

Her Plane, the Dreadmire - Gwethstravvos

Gwethstravvos is a place of indiscriminate, yet potent evil. It is not unlike the Shadowfell, spawning nightcreatures within its foggy sphere. Those who are unfortunate enough to wind up here will likely not find a way out. And though not as frantic as the Burning-Woods, it slowly tears away at the psyche of any soul, living or dead.

Planar Identifiers

Symbol: Green-Gray Snag
Color: Feldgrau / Swamp-Green
Gemstone: Moss Agate
Musical Key: E Minor


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