Delphon, the Lawful Evil in Ffellwyn'eth | World Anvil

Delphon, the Lawful Evil

"Oh, have you come here to ask for relief? Well how about we strike a deal instead..."
  According to him, he is the 'most reasonable of evils,' wishing only to cull the most influential of humanity so that he can rule the Material Plane benevolently. A fitting ideology for the one who embodies the Lawfully Evil.  

His Plane, The Court of Time - Enrevn

Delphon's domain is not what one might expect: a judicial court where time passes so quickly and sporadically, it becomes easier and easier to dissociate. Within the court, Delphon acts as judge and jury, and the visitor plays the part of defendant, who often has no choice in the matter.

Planar Identifiers

Symbol: The Eye of Judgement
Color: Crimson
Gemstone: Red Zircon
Musical Key: C Minor


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