Avlon, the Lawful Good in Ffellwyn'eth | World Anvil

Avlon, the Lawful Good

"You are protected in my realm... as long as you don't run through my streets, troubled and wanton."
  Considered by some to be the most reasonable of the Morals, Avlon represents the Lawful Good morality.  

His Plane, The Shining Citadel - Yrvarhn

A citadel of unmatched size and flawlessness, the Shining Citadel stands out for more than one reason. The most notable, however, is that Avlon ensures by the second that everything in his domain is up to his standards. No misdeed goes unpunished and no evil slips through. The only ones allowed to live there are the pure and pious.

Planar Identifiers

Symbol: Spire of Yrvarhn
Color: Turquoise/Teal/Sky Blue
Gemstone: Blue Tourmaline
Musical Key: B Major


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