Alfwyndel, Virtue of Stars in Ffellwyn'eth | World Anvil

Alfwyndel, Virtue of Stars

It is said that Alfwyndel arrived before even the Empyreans, born of Ether. But whereas the other divines might appear upon Ffellwyn'eth in visions and visitations, Alfywndel has only ever been spoken of-- not once beheld.   To behold the Mother of Stars would be to witness a visage that none have ever but claimed to see. The only recorded mention of her is a single passage in the Book of Veltan:  
"And bleeding through the veil, seen as only a faint apparated image, was Her. The Virtue of Stars. She lifted Her head whilst the Planelords staggered back. Even they did not detect Her presence, nor did they understand it. Even the wisest and most perceptive of them were dumbfounded by the very sight of Her...   She seemed a reflection of Astrality, and Her presence near doubled the Ether itself-- a fact of magnitude which to them seemed paradoxical. Then to occur as quickly as she arrived, with no words said or breaths drawn, She gave a small whisper and caused the veil to close, obscuring her from perception once more."


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