Sylvain d'Ivre Character in Feyy'ard | World Anvil
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Sylvain d'Ivre

The Faceless Sylvain d'Ivre

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to house Ivre in 1844, Sylvain quickly found interest in the minds of others. He loved seeing what made people who they are, their likes and dislikes and how to exploit their own minds. He was trained to be a fighter from a young age, learning the ways of the sword and bow. In 1945, as his father was beginning his investigation into Orville, Sylvain was sent as an envoy and a spy. He learnt quickly of the growing revolutionary movement in the city and sent the news to his father. He became a key investigator in the revolution, being sent oft to find allies and spy on his enemies.

Gender Identity

Sylvain is cisgender male.


Sylvain is heterosexual, although in his time in Orville, he did experiment with homosexual sex. In 1990, he would have sex with Magister Dorian Charpentier. He would later state when asked "tried it, seems fun, not my cup of tea"


Sylvain, as a man of nobility, had some of the finest tutors in Farfadet. Yet, his education has mostly been self-taught. His expertise in manipulation and deception was learnt naturally over time, and his proficiency within combat situations was mostly of his own volition.

Mental Trauma

While not considered much by Sylvain, the numerous deaths and lives he has taken weigh heavily on him. For his father and for Orville, he has killed innocent people and the ones he did not kill he robbed and left for dead. He chooses to bury these traumas and move on with his life, living in denial.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sylvain is incredibly socially adept. Within seconds of conversation with someone, he can often deduce exactly what makes them tick. He can determine someone's likes and dislikes just by how they carry themselves, their gate, their face, and their posture.

Morality & Philosophy

Sylvain lives by a philosophy of "anything for the greater good". He does not hold back, willing to deceive, manipulate and murder even dear friends if need be.

Personality Characteristics


Sylvain is motivated by a desire to help his family. While supportive of Orville, it was not until his father's support was evident that he gained such fervour for their cause. He wishes to see everyone free to live how they will.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sylvain is incredibly adept at charming people. He can radically shift his demeanour and personality depending on who he is talking to, be it the king or a beggar. He is skilled with a bow and lithe in combat, able to see and hear the finest details. However, in a fair fight, it is unlikely that he can win. He relies on trickery to win, so anyone who can neutralise his hidden tricks can easily beat him.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: freedom, duelling, lies, himself Dislikes: pomp, noble honour, being lied to, snails

Virtues & Personality perks

Sylvain can be a valuable asset for those he likes. While he may not seem it, he can be fiercely loyal. He is able to hide in plain sight and win anyone over. He is generally open to trying most anything and is a very flexible person.

Vices & Personality flaws

His lies and duplicity make Sylvain someone that is hard to become close to. He often out of habit slips into manipulation even with people he trusts. He is unwilling to confront his own feelings or open up to anyone. He is also fiercely dishonest and cruel at times, willing to kill with very little thought.
Current Status
Date of Birth
1844 2002
Circumstances of Death
Killed by an attack of drowned men, raised again as a wight of Tequalos
Place of Death
Ocean of Ceallainn
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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