Mara “Misfortune”

The Princess of the House of Yllenger is the symbol of failure and unluckiness.   “I see that you have tremendous failures in your life. Is it negligence? Miscalculation? Or is it misfortune? I can lessen your burden for a price. A price with an equal meaning to your hardship. A lifetime of failures can’t be compared to a moment of triumph. Do you think it will be free? You really run out of luck, kid.”  


In her humanoid form, she looks like an elf with a masquerade that covers the third quarter of her face. She usually brings a feathered fan and has a slim body, a large puffy dress, and a large pinkish floppy hat. Her skin is smooth with a fair skin tone. She is primarily found around nobles' and wealthy people's gatherings. Her personality is twisted as her second form, as she loves connecting with big shots due to their tendency to fall harder (more frustrated and depressed) and more fun to play with. Sometimes, she is accompanied by Camio.   In her second form, her masquerade cracks, and her one-quarter of her face becomes broken and hollow like a porcelain doll. Her skin turns whitish (like porcelain), and her dress becomes redder with a hint of rotten smell. From below her dress, a slithering tail appears, then turns into a snail house. In this form, her personality becomes more manic and sarcastic, constantly throwing out people's history of misfortune (bad experiences).   In her true form, the masquerade cracks further and reveals the lower half of her face (spider-like jaws). Her face becomes more grotesque, with larger cracks all over her body, and tentacles and snail-like flesh appear from her body (with slimes). Four pairs of spider legs appear from her back, and her snail house becomes bigger (a small pointy hole on the top) with her body also enlarged. Her dress is tattered and her voice cracks, becoming more resentful.  


A. Handmaiden of Unsavory

Her personal guards and servants consist of people that she tortured frequently and directly other than due to her power. They can be male (with their genital cut) or female (with their breasts cut) with ballroom clothes (not according to their genders) and a head cover with an eye veil. This is a symbol that misfortune doesn’t judge by its gender. Their skin and anatomy are based on their previous life, while their body will be full of torture marks. When engaged, They show sharp teeth and claws, except for non-humanoid. They are considered deadly and too fast for the eyes in close combat. Other than tending Mara, they tend to cut open the Fortune Collector's stomach and collect anything inside its stomach as a gift to Mara.  

B. Fortune Collectors

Beast-like humanoids with animal-like heads (consisting of nobles and wealth) fly low and devour any “fortune” objects in Daemonica. These “fortune” objects are any objects that fall from the other tormented soul or even other Daemon (including corpses). The more they eat the things, the stuffier their stomachs become. When they are filled, the Handmaiden will come to collect their objects by cutting and re-sewing their stomach. Sometimes cries can be heard not because of the pain but due to their “fortune” being taken away. Once their treasure is taken away, they become very aggressive. Even if their treasure isn’t taken away, they will bloat and explode with their toxic innards spread, slowly regenerated (and still becoming aggressive). Due to their small hands, their strength mainly comes from their daemon power.  

C. Falling Dead-beat

From beggars to nobles, in turn, stumble over a cliff and fall to their deaths. With grotesque bodies like burned victims and carrying some worldly possessions, they wander around this level of Daemonica to find a place to go to heaven (while, in fact, only falling down). While walking, they constantly murmur about money, power, and such, taking stones as if they are important (even causing an infight). Some can show more constructive thoughts like making a group, planning, bargaining, and even trying to survive. But in the end, they will fall to misfortune (either killed by other Daemons or by the hazardous environment). Despite that, some consider their behavior is the most humane of all (but all a façade by Mara). “Fortune Collectors” occasionally come to their places to take their “fortune” objects.  


- Bad Luck: a simple power to deflect anything that happens to Mara in certain durations and points it to other targets.   - Out of Luck: any misfortune (such as harm) attempt will miss her   - Scale Balance: she can read any imbalance in the realms of fortune; simultaneously, she controls the fortune by balancing it. Removing any enhancements or power-ups the opponent has and power her up. It can act as a counter to Camio’s power.   - Curse of Fortune: a dirty play in which she points one of her contenders as a source of luck. Unfortunately, this source will constantly absorb others' luck (while she’s not affected). She can easily throw the curse at other people and is not limited to one target.   - Curse of Misfortune: the counterpart of Curse of Fortune, which she turns one of her contenders into a source of misfortune. This person not only becomes misfortune but also will spread misfortune to others (can be countered if someone's luck is very high).   - Chaos Vortex: she acts as the center of the vortex (thus not affected), and creates a vortex of luck and unluckiness that affects everything around her. Combined with the Scale Balance, she can change the luck of all surrounding her and balance it to an inanimate object. Such as, if there’re 3 opponents and 3 stones, with +50, -50, -20 vs -50, +50, +20, she can turn it into -50 -50 -20 vs +50 +50 +20.   - Greatest Failure of All: this is her dirtiest play which can alter any final outcome by bypassing the fate/destiny play. As simple as saying if you win, then you lose. She will do anything to make her toy miserable. To bypass this power, one must understand the true nature of the Daemon Prince/Princess’ contract. (she needs to activate this power at the start of the event)   - Origin Weapon: a pot with demonic carving which collects all fortune and seals it. When it collects enough luck, Mara can pull a bladed umbrella from the inside, which she uses as her weapon. This weapon has a sure hit due to its nature of fortune alteration. For example, if she slashes the air but with the intention to harm you, then a series of misfortunes will happen, leading to getting hurt by the umbrella. However, due to her sadistic nature, she rarely kills her toy. Simultaneously, the pot can still be used (but no more umbrella).  


A. Avatar Contract

Her contract is based on the misfortune the person has and also the effects on that person. Because of it, she rarely tends to “normal” or poor people (except if their payment can be entertaining). She also accepts contracts involving cursing someone for a fee (depending on the person's fate/destiny strength).  

B. Mini-Vil Contract

Mara flies playfully with constant bickering about people’s fate/destiny. She has bejeweled red feathered wings and masquerades that cover her upper half. Her mini-vil color also contrasts with the others, fair/pale color. Also she gets a snail house on her back. Her power of “Bad Luck” and “Out of Luck” only works for a short duration, depending on the user. “Scale Balance” is only operated for reading the luck in the zone. “Curse of Misfortune” only targets a few people at once. Finally, the user can use “Chaos Vortex” but will not be protected from the effect.


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