Ingfar Krestoria Character in Ferracora | World Anvil

Ingfar Krestoria

Ingfar Krestoria

His once-mentor in Heavy Armor technique and adopting parent of Kin Almatear and the other survivors. After knowing he is the reason of the massacre, he dueled Kin and killed in the Cathedral of Virtues. After Kin was nearly killed by a Sleeping Lambs, he went to the Mermera vines to search for powers and also a cure for his friends by overcoming his doubts. During his trial, he was sent to the past in a corporeal form and relived his life in the village, learning the truth. Due to his past as a former bandit leader, he was held at gunpoint with a threat to kill everyone if he didn't help his former bandit group steal all the village riches to cover their weapons and drug addiction. Unfortunately, the bargain was off due to the bandits being influenced by the drug, resulting the death and the village being burned down. During this moment, Kin from the future (creating a paradox) feels sorrow not only due to learns the truth after killing him in the present, but also knowing he's the one who saved him. Kin helps him save his two friends and creates a paradox.


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