Shade berries Species in Feralia | World Anvil

Shade berries

Ingestion of a single berry, is fatal to both adults and children. Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, convulsions, liver failure, and death, usually within a day of ingestion. At present there is no known antidote to this poison.
Not all parts of the plant are dangerous. The leaves are harmless. Consuming the roots can make you ill but it won't kill you. The flowers of the plant will induce a stomach ache if eaten and are only fatal if too many are eaten, a number that varies based on age, health, size, and gender.

Basic Information


Mature plants have deep roots and are extremely difficult to remove. The plants' aggressive growth and ability to sucker renders an infestation extremely difficult to eradicate and makes it very difficult to prevent re-infestation.

Genetics and Reproduction

They rely heavily on the strong stomachs of birds to eat the berries and spread the seeds hidden inside the berries through their droppings as their means of spreading.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A beneficial tea can be made from the leaves and used to ease fevers, coughs and colds. Only magi and healers have license to have these leaves in their possession.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

It's a common plant in Parora and Ciheim. Some plants have been found in the Rookgroom Mountains.
5 years
Conservation Status
It has a tendency to become invasive where it has been introduced. Because consuming the berries is so deadly, the Ferali do their best to eradicate this plant and don't permit it to grow in their settlements. Unfortunately for them, birds have been known to eat the berries and spread the seeds in their droppings, thus propagating the plant in and around populated areas whether they like it or not.
Average Height
3 ft tall
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The flowers on average are red in colour while the closters of berries they hide inside are pearly orange.


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