Dhehai Species in Feralia | World Anvil

Dhehai (de-hai)

Basic Information


Dhehai are characterized by their baleen plates, lumpy heads, two pairs of fins, and their long thick tails. Their skin is rough with a leathery texture. Females are noticeably bigger than their male counterparts.   They are typically dark blue-grey with paler colour on their fins.   The thick layer of blubber under their skin allows them to swim in the colder depths of the ocean.

Genetics and Reproduction

It's not known, exactly, what their biological cycle is as this species is notoriously difficult to study. Based on similarities to other similar aquatic mammals, some educated guesses can be made.   It is thought they reach a reproductive age sometime around their tenth year. They mate in late fall through mid winter. Male have been seen trailing a female and will fight potential rivals. The pair stays together for about a week before going their separate ways.   One female was observed with a newborn a year after mating, giving an estimated gestation time of 10-12 months. Like other marine mammals, the mother nurse their young for at least half a year after birth. At that point, the young start eating a mix of milk and krill for a few months before they are weaned completely.   The young stay with their mothers for a few years. in that time, the mothers don't mate, focusing their attention on the calf, protecting it until it can fend for itself. One female monitored kept her baby with her for four years before they parted ways. She swam on her own for another year before mating again.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer the colder oceans around Thauland but have ranged as far south as the Troatr Coast.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet consists almost entirely of krill by swallowing large amounts of water and filtering it back out through their baleen plates. They need to consume a massive amount of krill to survive.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are solitary animals, coming together to mate. They aren't known to be territorial or aggressive towards other members of their species, though studies of these creatures is ongoing.   When seen in pairs, it is almost always a mother and her offspring.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Though difficult to hunt, they have been caught for food.

Facial characteristics

They have two large eyes on the sides of their heads. They have two blowholes located on the large bumps on top of their heads. Studies are unclear as to why they have two when most others have only one.

Civilization and Culture


The dhehai were discovered around the same time as the Aquatic Ferali, around the year 700 BM. Records as to the exact date have been lost. The two species seem to coexist peacefully, as the two are often seen together.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dhehai don't seem to care much for the [[Ferali, going so far as to avoid them when possible. The aquatic ferali, on the other hand, are often seen with these aquatic giants. The two species have been seen going to great lengths to protect each other.
70-80 years
Average Length
20-25 meters


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