Tuquarion of the Hidden Tree Character in Felstadt | World Anvil

Tuquarion of the Hidden Tree

Tuquarion (known to his friends as “Tuck”) is a good-natured young man with an active sense of humor and an unerring courage. He and his companion Baku joined the Ring & Wren while Tuck was on Walkabout from his home.  

Personal History

  Tuck's family is part of a group of Wood Elves that have lived in the forests surrounding what would become Felstadt since ancient times. Their people have always protected the forests and natural life as Humans moved into the area and built cities. This protection was more militant in past ages, but eventually they were overpowered by the First Emperor and retreated to their forests after that.   When Tuck turned one hundred and fifty, he began his Walkabout. He had always been told that he had a disposition toward feeling natural energy and was even taught by a druid how to tap into the natural magic inherent in all things, but he hadn't yet found that something on his journeys, even after traveling for one hundred and ten years.   Tuck met his friend Baku when he came upon a circus that was travelling through the area. When Tuck witnessed how Baku was being treated, he freed him from his captors and the two have travelled together ever since. Together they've been through the Feywild and the Shadowfell, navigated elven disputes, taken part in espionage, guided lords through the wilderness, beaten back a horde of Giants aiming to take over a town, and destroyed many Undead. They also found Baku's family and protected their habitat from human encroachment by stopping the expansion of a nearby city. The two are a sight to see, and have made an impression in the majority of the inns they've stayed at.   Tuck met Squinnustrio Fiswick many years ago, when he and Baku were visiting the city of Felstadt and were still short on money and wisdom. Squints was pulling a three-card scam, and Tuck and Baku decided to steal from him. As the pair followed Squints, someone else he'd scammed previously showed up and tried to kill him in a fury. Tuck and Baku saved him, and when Squints thanked them they sheepishly admitted their original plan. In thanks, Squints offered to help the two make some real money as a local attraction. Instead of flipping for peanuts, Baku could make fools of people who thought they could take him in a fight. It would be fun for Baku, who could get his revenge on the people who'd come to the circus. Squints, of course, ran the betting.   Tuck and Baku returned to Felstadt when they learned that Squints' friend had opened a fighting establishment, the King's Court, and hoped to get in on the action. Unfortunately, before the building had finished construction, it was burned down by the Jawbones. On that night, the Night of the Living Shadows, Tuck and Baku retreated to the forests with a group of straggling survivors who couldn't make it to The Rocks 

The Ring & Wren

  Tuck and Baku returned to Felstadt shortly after the Night of the Living Shadows (presumably to check on Squints) and ended up joining the Ring & Wren, who were traveling to the kingdom of Arram. After their successful quests, Tuck and Baku made a two-week long journey returning from Arram with carts laden with treasure.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish